Peter Gondo
Session overview Introduction Why monitor What to monitor How to monitor Exercise: Developing a performance monitoring plan for the FI.
Why monitor? Assess progress towards achieving FI goals and objectives. Assess effectiveness and efficiency of adopted measures and strategies Gain better understanding of enablers and challenges Identify strengths, weaknesses and gaps Pinpoint those areas needing urgent attention
Why monitor? Systematic evidence for reviewing the NFP Basis for planning and decision-making Identifying inputs human and financial resources Basis for reporting on forestry activities and achievements – National – International processes (MEAs) – UNFF, 2015 in 2015 ( assessment of effectiveness of the NLBI)
How to monitor Scope, purpose, intended use and potential users determine: What is to be monitored Selection of appropriate criteria and indicators Baseline information Situation analysis vis-a vis 25 national policies Make repeated periodic assessments to check status
Linking with existing M&E systems Identify and analyze existing M&E systems with relevance to SFM Integrate the NLBI monitoring Avoid duplication Reduce financial burden of monitoring. Cooperating partners have clear understanding of roles and responsibilities
Determination of indicators Indicators provide a means for assessing and measuring changes Quantitative and qualitative Limited number of key indicators easy to assess Reasonable measure of progress NB: Stakeholder involvement crucial
Examples of indicators for measuring achievement of SFM Forest cover Deforestation rate Area of forest under under SFM Volume of processed forest products Magnitude of private sector investment in SFM No. of households accessing forests Income from forest products
Data collection methods and frequency Determine the methods and frequency of data collection. Realistic and adequate data. Determines amount of resources Who is responsible for collection of which data, How data is stored and shared
Analysis and feedback Guidelines on responsibilities for analysis and providing feedback to stakeholders Ensure generation of targeted information Clear methods and channels of communication Uptake and use of information Feedback Adequacy and relevance Refinement of monitoring system
Exercise: Performance monitoring Plan Develop a performance monitoring plan. This exercise will be based on the previous exercise on the implementation plan. and will allow participants to: develop indicators of achievement, identify the specific parameters for measurement Determine appropriate frequency of measurement and Identify who will be responsible for each indicator. The results can be presented as a table (see exercise handout)
Policy measure Indicat or Method of data collection Frequenc y of data collectio n Method and frequency of data analysis Responsib le/by whom Develop financing strategies Amount raised by source Survey of key forest institutions and Ministry of finance Monthly Quarterly Comparativ e analysis Central statistical office Address threats to forest health and vitality from natural disasters and human activities Pest incidenc e Areas damage d /affected Pest surveys Incidence reports Quarterly Frequency by type analysis Comparativ e analysis Forest Research Institute