1 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 DIGITAL DCE Pathway to UNIX-NT Integration Dorothy Mamos DCE 3rd Party Project Manager Digital Equipment Corporation
2 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 Agenda DIGITAL’s DCE Program DIGITAL’s DCE Partners DIGITAL’s DCE Direction DCE Contacts, Pointers, and Resources
3 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 Agenda DIGITAL’s DCE Program DIGITAL’s DCE Partners DIGITAL’s DCE Direction DCE Contacts, Pointers, and Resources
4 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 The DIGITAL DCE Program Provide competitive DCE products for all DIGITAL strategic platforms: DIGITAL UNIX OpenVMS Windows NT Intel/Alpha Windows 95 IA-64 (Merced)
5 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 The DIGITAL DCE Program (cont.) Work with collaborative development partners to leverage DCE engineering expertise: Improve time to market for DCE releases Ensure continued interoperability and standardization Simplify DCE complexity for improved implementation Continue to promote DCE in the industry
6 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 The DIGITAL DCE Program (cont.) Work with tool providers and consulting services organizations to supplement and complement our DCE product offerings: 4Development tool providers 4Management tool providers 4Independent consulting and training services providers 4Resellers
7 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 The DIGITAL DCE Program (cont.) Continue to promote DCE in the industry: Participate in The Open Group sponsored PSTs and ATOs Seek out opportunities for additional collaborative development to ensure the continued standardization of DCE. …And enhance UNIX/NT integration via DCE technology
8 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 Agenda DIGITAL’s DCE Program DIGITAL’s DCE Partners DIGITAL’s DCE Direction DCE Contacts, Pointers, and Resources
9 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 DIGITAL DCE Collaborative Relationships The Open Group Sponsor of the LDAP PST Sponsor of the ActiveX PST Sponsor of the JADE and PRISM ATO’s DCE Next IBM Development partner for Windows NT and Windows 95 V2.0
10 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 DIGITAL DCE Complementary Relationships DIGITAL Products and Tools: DIGITAL ACMSxp DIGITAL DCE Toolkit Bea’s MessageQ, ObjectBroker, Tuxedo IMS Software Toolset Resource Broker …And DCE added value DCE Director, Visual ACL Editor, and DCEsetup
11 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 DIGITAL DCE Complementary Relationships (cont.) Borland: Entera 4 on NT/Intel and DIGITAL UNIX OLEnterprise on DIGITAL UNIX DASCOM, Inc.: Bundles DIGITAL DCE for Windows NT Servers with IntraVerse DIGITAL ships Cell Manager with DCE for DIGITAL UNIX today Provides lightweight DCE client, secure web products and single sign on
12 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 DIGITAL DCE Complementary Relationships (cont.) Additional application developers and tool providers: Transarc Forte Oracle GSE Systems IntraCo Systems
13 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 DIGITAL DCE Relationships (cont.) Worldwide Independent DCE Training and Consulting Service Providers: US open information technologies - Curriculum - Solutions Etc. - UK TreePax - Ian Moore, (US too) DSPS - Peter Bennett, Germany Solutions Etc. - Netherlands VX8000 (also UK and Italy)
14 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 Agenda v DIGITAL’s DCE Program v DIGITAL’s DCE Partners v DIGITAL’s DCE Direction v DCE Contacts, Pointers, and Resources
15 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 DIGITAL’s DCE Direction Continue to enable UNIX-NT integration Integrate DCE with related technologies (e.g. LDAP, Security, more) Develop additional partnerships to round out DIGITAL’s DCE solutions Continue a leadership role in TOG by participating in major PSTs and ATOs as well as other opportunities for collaborative development Provide the de facto DCE for IA-64 UNIX, Windows NT, Windows 95
16 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 DCE Future Direction DCE/Next (R2.0) Evolve and integrate utilizing de facto protocols: v LDAP v Security: Pluggable security option (CDSA) Public Key Smart cards Full Kerberos V5.0 support Key recovery (CDSA) Internet New packaging options
17 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 Agenda DIGITAL’s DCE Program DIGITAL’s DCE Partners DIGITAL’s DCE Direction DCE Contacts, Pointers, and Resources
18 The Open Group Members’ Meeting January 26-30, 1998 DCE Contacts, Pointers, and Resources Contacts: Web page: Newsgroup: comp.soft-sys.dce White Papers: DIGITAL DCE on Windows NT Coming soon …DCE on DIGITAL UNIX TruClusters and DIGITAL DCE Solutions