Monday, September 28 AGENDA 1. SILENT READ: CREATE a LIST OF 5 WORDS unfamiliar words. *record page numbers and paragraphs 2. Hand Out vocabulary 4: Due Tuesday start of class 3. Grammar: Review Parts of Speech: Partner work in class packet 4. Hand out directions for Book Presentations of Biograph ies
BOOK PRESENTATIONS DUE: WEDNESDAY OCT 7 Book Presentations: Biographies DUE: WEDNESDAY OCT 7 Name: Date: Hour: 15 Visual aid: (Pictures in GOOGLE SLIDES) Not the cover of the book!! quality and meaningful 10 Author & Title & Author’s style 20 Understanding of the person’s character/values/beliefs 20 Life’s journey / challenges / time period 20 Read one favorite or significant passage (approximately 5 paragraphs in sequence) with explanation/reasoning 15 Theme or lesson learned (Why?) / In what way did you connect with experiences of this person? Must be 2-4 minutes in length -11 points if under 2 minutes Keep this rubric & hand to teacher for scoring
Tuesday, September 29 AGENDA 1. Correct Vocabulary 4 first thing 2. Silent read 30 minutes in biographies( Oct 7 Presentations) 3. Begin Pink Packet: first three pages completed 4. resource Online Writing Labhttps://owlenglish.purdue.edu 5. Basics of diagramming ( understanding simple subjects and predicates : applying knowledge of 8 parts of speech ) 6. Friday quiz will include comma rules
Wednesday, September 30 AGENDA 1. Grammar packet due Monday 2. Basics of diagramming ( understanding simple subjects and predicates : applying knowledge of 8 parts of speech ) 3. Norse TIME shortened classes
REMEMBER the 8 Parts of speech Draw the character: USE THIS NAME: IVANCAPP
diagramming simple subject and simple predicate To start: you must have a BASELINE!!! and a DIVIDE ____________________I________________________ Joe runs. Susan swims.
Diagramming Subject is always on the left!!! ( who or what?) Predicate is always on the right! ( related to action) ___Joe_____I_____runs__________ ___Susan___I _____swims___
GRAMMAR: Agreed definition Monday: we will collectively agree on a definition… :)
Thursday, October 1 AGENDA 1. Renew books from library 2. Quizlet time to study Vocabulary 4 ( ten minutes ) remember don’t log in: Search upper left hand corner and type in norsemom 3. More on diagramming :) yellow hand out 4. Grammar Packet Time Due Monday :) nmhsseyferth.wikispaces.com
Friday, October 2nd AGENDA HAPPY HOMECOMING !! 1. Vocabulary 4 Quiz & Parts of speech quiz 2. Time to work on Biographies...read or prepare for presentations :) 3. Comma rules (READ in your biography and Record three sentences with commas: see if you can find examples of 3 comma rules. :) Partner work : Create a poster using the white boards demonstrating your assigned comma rule: provide examples and be prepared to share with class