Project Real-time Monitoring and Analysis Capabilities Mark Olson, Senior Standards Developer Texas RE NSRS October 5, 2015
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY2 Project will develop requirements to address issues related to Real-time monitoring and analysis of the Bulk Electric System SAR Drafting Team (SAR DT) appointed in April 2015 to revise previous project SAR taking into consideration: FERC Order No. 693 directives Real-time Tools Best Practices Task Force (RTBPTF) recommendations 2011 Southwest Outage Report recommendations Proposed TOP and IRO Standards (pending FERC approval) Technical conference for stakeholder input (June 2015) SAR posted for comments July 16 – August 17, 2015 Background
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY3 SAR comments reviewed August 2015 Draft standards developed August – September 2015 Standards Committee (SC) authorized posting September 23, 2015 Standards posted for comment and initial ballot September 24 – November 9, 2015 Project Status
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY4 Standards Drafting Team (SDT) PositionParticipantEntity ChairSaad MalikPeak Reliability Vice ChairAndrew PankratzFlorida Power & Light MemberCharles AbellAmeren MemberScott AclinSouthwest Power Pool MemberPhil HartAECI MemberT.J. (Tim) KuceyPSEG Fossil, LLC MemberAlan MartinSouthern Company Transmission MemberBert PetersArizona Public Service MemberSarma NuthalapatiElectric Reliability Council of Texas MemberJim UseldingerKansas City Power and Light StaffMark OlsonNERC StaffSean BodkinNERC
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY5 Most RTBPTF recommendations have been addressed Real-time Assessment definition Requirements to perform monitoring and Real-time Assessments Data specification requirements Project scope is focused on remaining objectives Project SAR Conclusions Project Reliability Objectives Monitoring CapabilitiesAnalysis Capabilities QualityProvide operator with indication of data quality and procedures to address issues Provide operator with indication of analysis quality used in Real-time Assessments and procedures to address issues AvailabilityProvide operator with notification when alarming system is not operating N/A
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY6 Two proposed Reliability Standards have been drafted to meet the SAR objectives IRO applicable to Reliability Coordinators (RCs) TOP applicable to Transmission Operators (TOPs) and Balancing Authorities (BAs) Proposed requirements address: Quality of data necessary to perform Real-time monitoring and analysis Quality of analysis used in Real-time Assessments System Operator notification of alarm processor failure Draft Standards
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY7 Proposed requirements for RCs: R1: Implement an Operating Procedure or Operating Process to address the quality of data necessary to perform Real-time monitoring and Real-time Assessments. Include: Criteria for evaluating data quality: o out of range o stale analogs o manually entered o other Actions to coordinate resolution R2: Provide System Operators with indications of data quality Applies to data specified in approved IRO-010-1a – RC Data Specification and Collection Replace with IRO upon FERC approval IRO-018-1
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY8 Proposed requirements for RCs (cont’d): R3: Implement an Operating Procedure or Operating Process to maintain the quality of any analysis used in its Real-time Assessments. Include: Criteria for evaluating the quality of any analysis used in Real-time Assessments Actions to resolve quality deficiencies R4: Provide System Operators with indications of the quality of any analysis used in its Real-time Assessments IRO (cont’d)
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY9 Proposed requirements for RCs (cont’d): R5: Utilize an independent alarm process monitor that provides notification(s) to System Operators when a failure of its Real- time monitoring alarm processor has occurred Examples include ‘heartbeat’ or ‘watchdog’ monitoring systems IRO (cont’d)
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY10 TOP is like IRO but applicable to TOPs and BAs Applies to data specified in proposed TOP – Operational Reliability Data Requirements for TOPs Operating Procedure or process for data quality (R1) Operator indication of data quality (R3) Operating Procedure or process for analysis quality (R5) Operator indication of analysis quality (R6) Independent alarm process monitor (R7) TOP-010-1
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY11 Requirements for BAs Operating Procedure or process for data quality (R2) Operator indication of data quality (R4) Independent alarm process monitor (R7) TOP (cont)
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY12 Proposed Implementation Plan
RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY13 Draft standards and implementation plan are posted for comment and initial ballot through November 9, 2015 Ballot pools forming through October 23, 2015 (8 pm eastern) Initial ballot October 30 – November 9, 2015 Industry webinar will be conducted in October SDT will meet in November to consider comments and revise Details on project status can be found at the NERC websiteproject status Next Steps