News Ted & Kirsten June 10, 2005 TDWG
Meet Trigger Reps today? Exotic Trigger Reps: Vadim and Oscar doing great work QCD Trigger Rep: Mary herself EWK Trigger Reps: have one “good candidate” Top Trigger Reps: have one “good candidate” B Trigger Reps: have “several good candidates” Deadline: find your trigger reps by next TDWG meeting!
Plans to train trigger experts Will have meetings dedicated to training: Level 1 and 2 and 3 Invite trigger experts to explain trigger system from trigger table point of view: tracks, electrons, muons, JETs, ScalerMon, XMON … etc. Have trigger reps involved in documentation Have trigger reps deeply involved in trigger table design, implementation, table testing and performance analysis, to speed up the process Each trigger rep is expected to become an expert on at least one trigger subsystem: understand and monitor the lower level triggers and their behaviors … How to improve the communication, speed up trigger table testing?
Improving the procedures for trigger table testing… (1) Trigger heads come up with a list of changes, with help from Trigger Reps. Each new trigger have a name behind it (who will check it offline). (2) Once the new table is made, Trigger Reps should carefully check the changes for their own triggers. Then we request for beam test. (3) Trigger heads and trigger Reps (take turns) perform the actual beam test in the control room. Check the rates. (4) Once the data is taken and processed, each trigger reps should make sure that the data is looked upon for their triggers within one week. (5) Report the results back to trigger heads… The details of each step should be posted in the trigger table e-log! This is just initial thoughts, let’s finalize the procedures at next meeting (Kirsten will be back next Monday)
New High Lumi Table performance New High Lumi table performance offset by CAL LER update Date: April 29 May 21 June 2 Run: Table: old old new CAL LER Update: No YES YES L1A 12KHz 12KHz L2A 290Hz 340Hz 290Hz L3A 70Hz 80Hz 70Hz DT: 0.6% 1.5% 1.7%
Other News L1 transverse mass firmware ready! Need a plan for commissioning. See Christopher’s talk. XMON is doing well. Charles will give an update soon Good progress on “Straw Trigger Table” study See Vadim’s talk on June 7th at RunIIb Physics Trigger meeting tools developed can be soon apply to other triggers … New version of L2 build script without building Alpha executable (Daniel). Now it runs in ~ 30 seconds (was ~10 mins).
Plan for next two weeks Move the changes for high lumi into default Need B group’s plan for reducing J/Psi to mumu rate Need EWK group’s plan for high Pt J/Psi to mumu … etc (See Chris Hays talk) Get remaining test triggers into default table Show your results on the test run (198597) for PHYSICS_TEST_3_02[9,656,571] Chris Neu’s talk (?) on Z to bbbar How about others? * Start expanding # of L2 bits from 128 to 192 (Daniel coordinates this effort) * Commission the L1 transverse mass cut and adjacent linker veto
Goals for this summer Include the remaining test triggers into default table Finish L2 bits expansion (128 to 192 bits) Offline code available for handling prescaled trigger Have the L1 Mt cut and adjacent linker veto working in physics table Testing/implementing CLC multiplicity trigger Goal: have a default table good to 150E30 while fully efficient at low lumi. Prototyping an unified trigger table, and first use it to measure the system performance with the new EVB…. to see where is the next new wall. It should be flexible enough to test the system performance with new SVT as well. This summer will be exciting. Great time for young people to get involved...