Creative thinking Anewlookateveryday’slife
What is creativity? Examples Useful tricks Practice ?
Creativity ? What is creativity Which ideas are creative? What makes them creative?
The (un)successful experiment? ? 3d wallpaper Add volume to your walls Completely safe
3d wallpaper
Some conclustions to be drawn! ! Forget about being realistic! Accept that you might be wrong! Check for existing solutions!
#1 Broken rule Choose an existing norm Apply in unusual context Enjoy the end result
#2 What if...? Complete the sentence Develop this new reality Enjoy the end result
Some more examples What wold BG do? Translation Lotus
USEFUL RESOURCES ? Howard Gardner: The disciplined mind; Multiple intelligence Why not? How to Use Everyday Ingenuity to Solve Problems Big and Small Ken Robinson: Creativity TED Talks + “Epiphany”