Please find your child’s seat and read their survey. Please fill out the back! Please visit the back table for conference, Mystery Reader, and Spring Fling sign ups. Feel free to explore our room and your child’s desk.
Reader’s Workshop Balanced literacy program Learning and practicing reading strategies Independent Daily Reading (IDR) – using a just right book, complete response journals, conferences Guided Reading – small group, teacher directed -Variety of ways to demonstrate reading comprehension Shared Reading – Whole Class, mini lessons, read aloud Reading Partnerships/groups – independent responsibilities, collaboration Exploring a variety of genres: fiction, non-fiction, realistic fiction, fairy tales Reading at home – 20 mins a day
Home Reading Log Given weekly Keep track of at-home reading Respond to question on back (linked to weekly lessons) Parent signs off (Will begin in a couple of weeks)
Learning how to become better writers through direct, explicit instruction (3-4 times per week) My goal is to teach writing, not fix it. Therefore not everything that comes home will be correct or “fridge worthy.” Writer’s Notebook - a way of collecting and nurturing ideas Students will learn how to: –Generate ideas –Work through the writing process, self edit –Write personal narratives, persuasive writing realistic fiction stories, information books and more! Our lives are worth writing about! Writer’s Workshop
Word Study Program Word study –Focuses on student recognition of word patterns. Based on a developmental continuum - BASED ON A 7 DAY CYCLE (not daily)- Check your child’s planner and notebook for their schedule. Sometimes tests might include a bonus word that follows the weekly pattern to test students ability to transfer their knowledge. All classwork and homework is done in red notebook.
Go Math At Home: Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication facts Play games – My website Think central website Go Math Curriculum; - All lessons are directly related to the Common Core Standards - Multiple options for all learners – 3 levels of support and additional enrichment opportunities - Provides real connections through videos (Carmen Sandiego activities) - Strong emphasis on math vocabulary and identifying concepts by their proper name. Ex. Commutative property
Social Studies Mrs. Efros Units: Community Government First settlements Tests Projects Mrs. Faris Hands-On, collaborative group experiments Units: –Sound –Structures of Life –Water Tests, quizzes Projects Science
Technology Smartboard Laptops Ipads Computer Lab Excel Microsoft Word Power Point Internet (class projects) Digital cameras Blogs User friendly websites, teacher webpage, home access
Homework Daily – Math & reading ALWAYS CHECK PLANNER/ Homework is on website! One week’s notice before tests – check folder for review sheet Should not be a struggle – write a note if it becomes an issue Homework should be a reflection of independent practice.
Dismissal Please be sure to be on time for dismissal (3:00). Late pick-ups will wait in office. Unfortunately, I cannot have discussions about individual students at dismissal time.
Room Parents Deborah Bresalier Jennifer Senft
Other Friday Folders Scholastic Ordering Snack Lunch Money Mrs. Faris' Website Pencil boxes; Writers Notebook decor A day in the life of your third grader…