A simile is a comparison of two unlike things, typically marked by use of "like", "as “. A simple way to remember is to say "A simile is similar". 1*My love is as a fever, longing still For that which longer nurseth the disease, ( Shakespeare, Sonnet CXLVII ) ( Shakespeare, Sonnet CXLVII ) 2*Let us go then, you and I, While the evening is spread out against the sky, Like a patient etherized upon a table...( T.S. Eliot,) 3* He ran quickly down the street. (with a simile) He ran like a hare down the street. Next
Examples He was as strong as a lion. It shot out like a bullet. "Music is such sweet thunder. “ Use Similes are part of everyday speech. They may be used consciously or unconsciously. speech They are often used in imaginative writing such as fiction and poetry to clarify and enhance an image. writing The simile is one component of imagery. This is the process of evoking ideas, people, places, feelings and various other connections in a vivid and effective way. a b a ba ba b
Which of the following statements contain similes? Click the icon to check your answers It was as flat as a pancake. It was as flat as a pancake. (This is a simile). (This is a simile). There was as much as you could eat. There was as much as you could eat. (This is not a simile). She was as bright as a button. She was as bright as a button. (this is a simile). (this is a simile). Her voice is as sweet as a bird. Her voice is as sweet as a bird. (This is a simile). (This is a simile). O my love is like a red, red rose. O my love is like a red, red rose. (This is a simile). aa bb aa bbaabbaabb
عمل الطالبات عمل الطالبات لجين حمادة ( جامع معلومات ) لجين حمادة ( جامع معلومات ) دعاء أصفري ( منسق ) دعاء أصفري ( منسق ) فاطمة الخطيب ( كاتب ) فاطمة الخطيب ( كاتب ) أريج همك ( ناطق ) أريج همك ( ناطق ) رهف سيلو ( طرح أسئلة ) رهف سيلو ( طرح أسئلة ) بتول الخلف ( طرح أسئلة ) بتول الخلف ( طرح أسئلة )