1 Delivering the outcomes that service users want Integrating assistive technology into supported living services for people with learning disabilities
2 OUTCOMES To improve lives of people with LD To improve lives of people with LD To maximise efficient use of Taxpayers’ money To maximise efficient use of Taxpayers’ money
3 Cheshire Context Rural county with 700,000 population Rural county with 700,000 population Increasing percentage of older people Increasing percentage of older people Telecare rolled out countywide for over 65s Telecare rolled out countywide for over 65s Telemedicine pilot projects underway Telemedicine pilot projects underway ALD Service Users ALD Service Users 700+ ALD Tenancies 700+ ALD Tenancies ALD Pooled Budget £50m Spend £53m ALD Pooled Budget £50m Spend £53m
4 Risk Management “Independence, Well-being & Choice” “Independence, Well-being & Choice” “Our Health, our care, our say” “Our Health, our care, our say” People want opportunities to take risks People want opportunities to take risks Culture in services that is risk averse Culture in services that is risk averse How can we provide people with the chance to take managed risks? How can we provide people with the chance to take managed risks?
5 The Role of Technology? Telecare style technology to decrease reliance on staff Telecare style technology to decrease reliance on staff Build on experience & established links made by over 65s services Build on experience & established links made by over 65s services Opportunity to use staff time more effectively Opportunity to use staff time more effectively Reduce the need for ‘just in case’ staffing Reduce the need for ‘just in case’ staffing
6 Financial Argument Each Waking Night Staff costs £63k pa Each Waking Night Staff costs £63k pa Each Sleep In Staff costs £16.5k pa Each Sleep In Staff costs £16.5k pa Cheshire ALD – 25 Waking Night staff Cheshire ALD – 25 Waking Night staff Target – Reduce 5 Waking Night staff Target – Reduce 5 Waking Night staff Save – £230k pa Year On Year Save – £230k pa Year On Year
7 Finance – Funding Equipment Preventative Technology Grant Preventative Technology Grant Paying for equipment Paying for equipment Ongoing costs Ongoing costs Housing Benefit Housing Benefit Supporting People Supporting People
8 The Technology Telecare Definition: the use of monitors or sensors to alert a remote carer to an individual’s need Telecare Definition: the use of monitors or sensors to alert a remote carer to an individual’s need 1 st generation: pendant/ pull chord 1 st generation: pendant/ pull chord 2 nd generation: alert generated automatically 2 nd generation: alert generated automatically Examples Examples Bed monitor Bed monitor Passive Infra Red sensors Passive Infra Red sensors Epilepsy sensor Epilepsy sensor
9 Not Just Telecare Environmental Controls Environmental Controls Intelligent Microwaves Intelligent Microwaves Assessment Assessment Lifestyle Monitoring Lifestyle Monitoring Prevent ‘over-support’ Prevent ‘over-support’
10 Build on Existing Work West Glamorgan H.C. West Glamorgan H.C. Reduced direct staff cover at night Reduced direct staff cover at night Environmental controls introduced Environmental controls introduced Oldham social services Oldham social services Assessment bungalow Assessment bungalow Sharing cover at night times Sharing cover at night times
11 Pilot Scheme LDDF money secured for capital costs LDDF money secured for capital costs 5 houses with high levels of staff support 5 houses with high levels of staff support Engage managers & inform them about available technology Engage managers & inform them about available technology Audit current support levels, identify risks & appropriate equipment Audit current support levels, identify risks & appropriate equipment Consult with tenants & staff regarding technology Consult with tenants & staff regarding technology
12 Learning from the Pilot Contract with local installers Contract with local installers Learn to programme the equipment within the provider service Learn to programme the equipment within the provider service Hold very specific, very clear protocols jointly with call centre where appropriate Hold very specific, very clear protocols jointly with call centre where appropriate Engage staff with the cultural change in how we support people Engage staff with the cultural change in how we support people
13 Assistive Technology Strategy Ensure strategic use of technology across Cheshire Ensure strategic use of technology across Cheshire Let users, carers and staff know what to expect from assistive technology Let users, carers and staff know what to expect from assistive technology Encourage them to find out more Encourage them to find out more Use as a basis for consultation Use as a basis for consultation
14 Ethical Issues Values underpinning assessment Values underpinning assessment What do we need to know & why? What do we need to know & why? Consulting & informing tenants Consulting & informing tenants Ethics of alternative practice Ethics of alternative practice Over-support Over-support
15 Staff Information and demonstration of equipment Information and demonstration of equipment Vital role in assessment Vital role in assessment Need to believe in & trust equipment Need to believe in & trust equipment No additional assessment paperwork No additional assessment paperwork Links in with Individual Budgets Links in with Individual Budgets Training to focus on issues rather than the technology Training to focus on issues rather than the technology
16 Progress so far Awareness Day Awareness Day Links with other services & agencies Links with other services & agencies Mobile demos Mobile demos Consultation with tenants Consultation with tenants Success Stories Success Stories
17 The Future Access to telecare across service boundaries Access to telecare across service boundaries Health & Care professionals promoting Telecare Health & Care professionals promoting Telecare Environmental controls commonplace Environmental controls commonplace People living independently with support when they need it not in case they need it People living independently with support when they need it not in case they need it