2nd December 2002 (Version A) Mike Short Mike Short u Vice President, Industry Relations & Standards u Chairman Mobile Data Association u u u
2nd December 2002 (Version A) Mike Short
Towards a Wireless Commons “small groups of engineers who dared to think differently about collaboration and the concepts of free, open standards in networking technology built the internet. Now those same minds are looking to the freedom of the airwaves to complete their project of bringing access to the world”. Niall Murphy Wireless Limehouse
2nd December 2002 (Version A) Mike Short Spectrum Trading - SMAG Input Spectrum market Trading options Trading processes A “wireless commons” - Demos November 2002 Way forward
2nd December 2002 (Version A) Mike Short Genesis of Spectrum Allocation Ø1-First come first served Ø2-Government allocate Ø3-Market decides OR Ø4-All users access the common resource when they need it … a “wireless commons”. Ø1 - 3credited to Eli Noam
2nd December 2002 (Version A) Mike Short Spectrum Market - balancing Demand and Supply G D S M DS
2nd December 2002 (Version A) Mike Short Why Spectrum Trading (ST)? Spectrum ‘innovation web’. Part of the spectrum pricing / allocation trend - no obvious “Treasury push”. Technology options increasing. Market is the best determinant of spectrum demand. Investment assessment can be more open / flexible / speedy. Environmental benefits in sharing rather than ‘ownership’. Removes structural rigidity. Opportunity for UK competitiveness. but noting Quasi Trading exists already; and we need a ‘roadmap’ to get there!
2nd December 2002 (Version A) Mike Short ST - SMAG new options Dynamic Trading e.g. short term (months) or time of day Border Trading e.g. N Ireland / Ireland Geographic Tradinge.g. local or regional Adjacent bloc trading
2nd December 2002 (Version A) Mike Short ST Processes - RA Consultation / SMAG Response Modes- too complex, inflexible and costly. Duration- too inflexible. Phases- largely supportive, but long and exemptions challenged Future supply- future availability / releases need to be clearer. Notification- simplify processes. Brokers- role of Agents, Brokers, and Administrators understated. Pricing- level playing field first (except ISM). RIA Annex 1- incomplete, but sufficient to start ST. Taxation- not clear enough. Pre-emptive rights- needs more attention. Interference management- clear responsibility for OFCOM. Wholesale / retail- important distinctions to be recognised.
2nd December 2002 (Version A) Mike Short ST Simplicity Requested Bronze * -Dynamic ST, under 2 years Silver *-Static ST, generally over 2 years with ‘rights’ held. Gold -Structural ST, with full consultation, and ITU table review. * remain within ITU tables; include formal OFCOM notification.
2nd December 2002 (Version A) Mike Short Demos - Conclusions on Spectrum “Alongside the spectrum trading scheme that is now being developed, it is vital that OFCOM reserves a modest share of spectrum as a common resource” “When the switch-off of analogue TV services takes place, it would be particularly appropriate to allocate a share of the spectrum that is currently used for public service broadcasting - BBC1, BBC2 and Channel 4 - to a public interest commons: a form of ‘citizen’s band’ for the digital age” “OFCOM will need to build a culture that is flexible, adaptive and grounded in a cycle of continual learning” Source: politics of bandwidth - November 2003 Wilsdon / Stedman Jones, DEMOS
2nd December 2002 (Version A) Mike Short Way Forward RA review of the ST range of inputs. Government ‘Cave’ response. International review - benchmarking / EU competitiveness. Further RA consultation. ST “Change management” programme designed in H Phased ST introduction from early 2004, with trials first then first wave in 2005.