Modes of Building Failure Connections between failure modes observed in shake table testing of models in building contest and earthquake damage to actual buildings L. Braile, Purdue University, October 2003 (for additional information and sources see EQ Hazards and Photos links at:
Intensity of shaking decreases with distance from epicenter (MM Intensity scale). M6.7, 1994 Northridge, California earthquake
Intensity of shaking decreases with distance from epicenter (Peak horizontal acceleration). M6.7, 1994 Northridge, California earthquake
Intensity of shaking decreases with distance from epicenter (star; USGS Shake Map). M6.7, 1994 Northridge, California earthquake
Soft first story failure
Weak story failure, Kobe, 1995
Building shifted off foundation
Column failure
Inadequate connection to uprights
High center of mass, resonance
Falling objects
Falling objects, partial wall collapse
Liquefaction, ground failure