CHAPTER 1 1.Disgrace: loss of respect, honor, or esteem; shame 2.Madras: a light cotton plaid fabric used for shirts, dresses, etc. 3.Muttered: spoke in low tones; grumbled 4.Cowlick: a tuft of hair that grows in a direction different from the rest of the hair 5.Reckless: careless; without caution 6.Bawl: to cry or wail with great lust 7.Quivering: shaking uncontrollably 8.Unfathomable: impossible to understand; incomprehensible 9.Rarities: something rare, unusual, or uncommon 10.Savvy: to know; understand
CHAPTER 2 1.Roguishly: in a playfully mischievous manner 2.Winced: drew back, tensed the body, as from pain or a blow; flinched 3.Incredulous: not inclined to believe; skeptical 4.Scowled: made a frowning facial expression 5.Nonchalantly: unconcernedly; indifferently; unexcitedly; casually 6.Scatterbrained: incapable of serious connected thought 7.Shanghai (ing): kidnapping; inducing or compelling someone to do something by force 8.Heaters: guns, pistols, revolvers or other firearms
CHAPTER 3 1.Gallantly: in a brave, valiant, noble-minded, or chivalrous way 2.Aloofness: disinterest; indifference; distant in feeling 3.Ornery: ugly or unpleasant in disposition or temper; stubborn 4.Elite: persons of the highest class 5.Dumfounded: struck with astonishment and surprise 6.Cunning: artfully subtle or shrewd; crafty; sly
CHAPTER 4 1.Unceasingly: without stopping; continuing 2.Apprehensive: uneasy or fearful about something that might happen 3.Defiance: bold resistance to authority 4.Contemptuously: expressing disdain; scornfully 5.Ruefully: regretfully; feeling, showing, or expressing sorrow or pity 6.Reformatory: an institution for reforming or disciplining young offenders 7.Premonition: a forewarning; a feeling of anxiety over a future event
CHAPTER 5 1.Groggy: dazed or weakened from lack of sleep 2.Reluctantly: unwillingly; resistant; hesitantly 3.Imploringly: begging urgently or piteously 4.Sullenly: in a manner that shows irritation or ill-humor by a gloomy silence 5.Quavering: quivering as from weakness; trembling 6.Eluded: escaped understanding, perception, or appreciation of 7.Vital: of critical importance 8.Indignant: expressing strong displeasure at something unjust, offensive or insulting 9.Hauled: dragged off forcefully; compelled to go
CHAPTER 6 1.Surveyed: examined; looked at; inspected 2.Bewilderment: state of confusion or disorientation 3.Conviction: fixed or firm belief 4.Tangle: to come into conflict; to fight or argue 5.Hesitation: a delay due to fear or uncertainty of the mind 6.Defeated: thwarted; won over; beaten 7.Plasma: the clear liquid part of the blood 8.Hysterics: a fit of uncontrollable laughter or weeping; hysteria
CHAPTER 7 1.Mimicking: imitating or copying action, speech, etc. 2.Radiates: projects or glows with cheerfulness, joy, goodwill, etc. 3.Bleak: without hope or encouragement; depressing 4.Drawled: spoke with lengthened or drawn-out vowels 5.Cocksure: perfectly sure or certain; completely confident in one’s own mind 6.Recurring: returning again to the mind; occurring again 7.Aghast: struck with overwhelming shock or amazement 8.Exploits: brilliant or heroic acts or deeds; adventures 9.Contemptuously: scornfully; showing or expressing contempt or disdain
CHAPTER 8 1.Numbly: without the capability of taking action or feeling emotion 2.Faltered: spoke unsteadily; stammered 3.Resemblance: similarity of appearance; likeness 4.Divert: to distract; to turn away from 5.Doggedly: showing persistent effort; inflexibly; stubbornly; tenaciously
CHAPTER 9 1.Mortal: severe; extreme; intense 2.Grimacing: making an ugly or contorted facial expression, indicating pain, disapproval, etc. 3.Affectionately: warmly; lovingly; fondly 4.Superiority: the condition of being superior or better than 5.Menace: person whose actions or ideas are considered harmful or dangerous 6.Conformity: acting according to social standards or practices; compliance 7.Stifled: suppressed; withheld 8.Leery: suspicious; wary 9.Contempt: scorn; disgrace; dishonor; disapproval 10.Contracted: drew together; shrunk; condensed 11.Agony: intense physical or mental suffering
CHAPTER 10 1.Stupor: mental numbness; daze; lessening of sensibility 2.Vaguely: not clearly; showing a lack of understanding 3.Concussion: injury to the brain or spinal cord due to a blow or fall 4.Delirious: wandering in the mind and talking complete nonsense 5.Clad: dressed
CHAPTER 11 1.Idolized: worshipped; regarded with great adoration 2.Cocky: arrogant; conceited 3.Remark: comment 4.Liable: likely
CHAPTER 12 1.Flinching: wincing; recoiling 2.Acquitted: declared not guilty 3.Composition: short essay written as a school assignment 4.Roundabout: polite and without being too blunt; indirect 5.Corny: stale; unoriginal 6.Veered: swerved 7.Vast: immense; of a very great area or extent