Remediation in High School: SAILS Tennessee and SREB Readiness Dr. Warren Nichols TBR Vice-Chancellor of Community Colleges John Squires SREB Director High School to College Readiness
Tennessee Diploma Project (2009) Increased high school graduation and college readiness 4 th year math required of HS graduates starting in 2012 Complete College Tennessee Act (2010) Increased degree production and career placement Tennessee First to the Top (2010) Increased high school graduation Drive to 55 (2013) Meet state workforce and training needs SAILS funded as part of Drive to 55 starting 2013 SAILS Tennessee: Policy Sets the Stage for Reform
3 12 th Grade Student takes Bridge Math 11 th Grade Student scores below 19 on ACT Math Freshman Year, College Student is placed into remedial mathematics. No credit Tuition charged The Traditional Approach to Remediation
12 th Grade Student takes SAILS Math Dual Credit CC and HS 11 th Grade Student scores below 19 on ACT Math Freshman Year, College Student has completed all remediation and enters credit bearing math. The SAILS Solution
The First SAILS Classroom (Spring 2012)
SAILS Results: TBR Community Colleges participating 122 High Schools 8,500 Students Results 5,695 SAILS completers 11,000+ semesters saved in time 257 SAILS students complete college math in spring $1.1 million project funding from Governor Haslam $6.5 million saved in tuition and books : 185 high schools, students
Improved College-Going Rate The rate for students attending two- and four-year institutions to 55% in This is the highest rate ever for the school, and is significantly higher than the 38% rate in 2009! More Students College-Ready 100% of regular-education students graduated from MCHS in 2013 college-ready in math. No students needed to take remedial math in college! Meigs County High School
From High School to College: A Model for Readiness HS Junior Students test at end of junior year to determine College Readiness. HS Senior Students not College Ready take courses in senior year such as Literacy Ready and Math Ready. College Freshman Students completing the Readiness Courses enter college and take college level Math and English courses, not needing remediation. 8
SREB Readiness Courses Designed for transition from high school to college or postsecondary training Targeting underprepared students Offered in senior year of high school Two courses: Math and Literacy Courses developed and piloted in Courses revised and scaled up in
Math Ready Ready for college-level math Not your average math course! Contextual real world assignments to engage students Builds skills in numeracy, algebra and statistics Use of the best instructional strategies in the country like MDC, Illustrative Mathematics, and Collaborative Math
Literacy Ready: Ready for reading in all disciplines Outside of the box course! Focuses on disciplinary literacy and LDC strategies Units in English, Social Studies and Science Multi-disciplined approach provides teachers two units each of content-rich instruction with specific reading and writing strategies
Scale-up Statewide Scale-up in 4 States: Arkansas Mississippi North Carolina West Virginia Additional Training at Readiness Institute: SREB High Schools That Work Conference July 13-17, 2015 in Atlanta Georgia Presentation Name/Presenter 12
New 8 th / 9 th Courses Designed for transition from middle School to high school Most attrition in HS occurs freshman year Targeting underprepared students Could be taught in 8 th or 9 th grade Two courses: Math and Literacy Courses under construction Courses piloted in
Questions? Dr. Warren Nichols John Squires Presentation Name/Presenter 14