Ideas for Reform
Controlling Immigration and Behavior Many immigrants labeled as criminals Nativism – favoring native-born Americans over immigrants – Chinese Exclusion Act American Protective Association – teaching of American culture and English language in schools Contract Labor Act – allowed employers to recruit immigrants – REPEALED! Immigration Restriction League – (Harvard Grads) targeted southern and eastern European immigrants
Prohibition Temperance Movement – campaign to eliminate alcohol consumption –Prohibition Party –Woman’s Christian Temperance Movement –Anti-Saloon League Prohibition – ban on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages
Purity Crusaders Vice – immoral or corrupt behavior (Gambling, drugs, prostitution) Anthony Comstock – crusader who backed a law prohibiting the distribution of obscene materials through the mail –Example Birth Control Information Crusaders also attacked political machines because they profited from vice
Helping the Needy Charity Organization Movement – Josephine Shaw Lowell – formed to help the needy conform to American ideals Social Gospel Movement – urban churches provided services to the poor around them Sought to apply the gospel to conditions around them
Settlement Movement Men and women move into a house, in the midst of a poor neighborhood and apply hands on help Witnessed the effects of poverty first-hand 1889 Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Star bought the Hull House in Chicago Provided community service, education, cultural events, childcare, playgrounds, etc By 1910 there were over 400 settlement houses nationwide
Jane Addams and Hull House