Dementia Improving access Widening reach Great British Care Shows Brighton Pamela Holmes, Practice Development Manager
This session About SCIE Why the Dementia Gateway is being improved New products on dementia launched today Clips from two Social Care TV films
What is SCIE? Independent national charity Identify and spread knowledge about good practice in social care – adults, children, families in the UK Support delivery of transformed personalised services - practitioners, managers & sector leadership Ensure experience and expertise of people using services reflected in our work Promote health and social care working together
The existing Dementia Gateway Large amount of very useful content compromised by current site design, content structure and search tools Content would be useful to members of the public if they could only find the site easily and biased towards care homes Related material such as learning content and video is not embedded in the main site
Dementia Gateway – enter at your peril... STAR UK partners for long-term continuous incremental updating of educational content’ be
Proposed new site Simplified design structure, fewer headings Where appropriate, content for wider ‘workforce’ Learning and video material integrated in content Site marketed digitally and through innovative paper campaign Exploring development of tools and content for access via mobile technology e.g. phones and tablets
New improved gateway to Palace of Useful and Accessible Information...
New products for the Dementia Gateway Today we launch a suite of dementia products Research Briefing: End of Life care for people with dementia living in care homes An At A Glance on the same topic Three Social Care TV films: holistic assessment, caring for the carers, dying at home
Key messages: caring for people with dementia It’s not always easy to tell when end of life is approaching so they may not receive the end of life care they would have wanted Even when no longer able to make advance decisions legally, they may still be willing and able to discuss preferences Advance care plans provide a way to express their wishes about end of life care
End of Life Care – Social Care TV Film
Aim of our work on dementia Care is person-centered and life enhancing Partners, family friends & others are consulted and included via meaningful relationships Residents are treated with dignity & respect Staff support residents as they near the end of life, with sensitivity to their wishes & preferences