Fiscal Year 2004 April 10, 2003. FY 2002FY 2003FY 2004 EnactedBudgetBudget COLUMBIA RIVER BASIN: Army Corps of Engineers98.00113.5125.1 Bureau of Land.


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Presentation transcript:

Fiscal Year 2004 April 10, 2003

FY 2002FY 2003FY 2004 EnactedBudgetBudget COLUMBIA RIVER BASIN: Army Corps of Engineers Bureau of Land Management Bureau of Reclamation United States Fish and Wildlife Service Natural Resources Conservation Service Bureau of Indian Affairs United States Geological Survey N.O.A.A. Fisheries United States Forest Service Environmental Protection Agency TOTAL (Discretionary Appropriations) Bonneville Power Admin. Direct Fish Costs TOTAL (Discretionary & Indefinite) OTHER PACIFIC COASTAL SALMON: Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund NOAA Pacific Salmon Treaty TOTAL (Other Pacific Coastal Activities) GRAND TOTAL (Columbia & Other Pacific Salmon) FEDERAL AGENCY FISCAL YEAR FUNDING COLUMBIA RIVER BASINWIDE SALMON ($ in millions)

FY2002 FY2003 FY 2004 Actual Enacted Budget Construction, General Columbia R. Fish Mitigation Proj Chief Joseph Dam Gas Abatement Lower Col. R. Ecosystem Restor Lower Snake R. F&WL Comp. Plan Willamette Temperature Control General Investigations Willamette Floodplain Restoration Lower Col. R. Ecosystem Restor Walla Walla Watershed Operation and Maintenance Bonneville direct share (28.23) (32.41) (33.30) Congressional Funding Total Program US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS FISCAL YEAR FUNDING COLUMBIA RIVER BASIN SALMON ($ in millions)

FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 Enacted Enacted Budget Columbia /Snake Salmon Recovery Hydropower Tributary Habitat R, M and E 0.9 General TOTAL BUREAU OF RECLAMATION FISCAL YEAR FUNDING ($ in millions)

FY 2002FY 2003 FY 2004 EnactedEnactedBudget Hydropower Monitor & Evaluate Bull Trout Proj Habitat Instream Flow Avian Predation ESA Consultation Col. R. Estuary Restoration Fish Passage Subbasin Planning Bull Trout Passage Habitat Restoration Total Habitat Hatcheries Hatchery Operations and Maintenance Hatchery Monitor and Evaluation Fish Health Total Hatcheries Harvest Limit Harvest Impacts Construction Fish Screens TOTAL US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE FISCAL YEAR COLUMBIA RIVER BASIN INITIATIVE RESOURCE ($ in millions)

FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 Enacted Enacted Budget Columbia River Hatcheries Operations and Maintenance Screens (Construction) Hatchery Reform ESA Recovery Plan Resource Information Base Columbia River BiOp Research, Monitoring and Eval Subbasin & Hatchery planning and Implementation Mass Marking Trailers Subtotal Other Pacific Coastal Salmon Activities Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund Pacific Salmon Treaty Subtotal NOAA FISHERIES COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON FUNDING FISCAL YEAR FUNDING ($ in millions)

FY 2002FY 2003 EnactedEnacted Expenses O&M – Lower Snake Comp O&M – Corps and Bureau NWPPC Treasury Repayment Direct Program Total Expenses BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION FISH AND WILDLIFE FUNDING FISCAL YEAR ($ in millions)

Future Council considerations for federal appropriations for fish and wildlife implementation April 10, 2003

Anticipate subbasin plans Subbasin plans will form an improved documentation of regional needs. Local constituencies will use them to seek funding from a variety of sources. The Council can help organize a coherent regional implementation strategy based on subbasin plans.

What we should be working on today? Help define the implementation “tool box” for subbasin plans. Specifically, the subbasin plans will include strategies that define project needs. Early identification of funding sources is key to implementing subbasin. plans.

“Tools” in the “toolbox” If a subbasin plan calls for : –Reducing sedimentation – CREP. –Screening irrigation diversions – FWS screening, BOR, Mitchell Act sources. –Improving water quantity in tributaries – NFWF water brokerage. –Hatchery upgrades – Corps, Mitchell Act funding sources.

How we make progress Define the various funding sources. Determine flexibility for priorities – Forest Service may have less than Reclamation or Corps. Determine needed improvements in authorities or decision processes. Facilitate a regional process.