LA LEADS Summer Conference July 25, 2006
Discussion Topics GLEEM Overview Preview of Modules Region I Spotlight Training Schedule Questions and Answers
What is GLEEM? The Grade-Level Expectations Educational Model (GLEEM) is a high-quality professional development (online and face-to-face) relative to the effective implementation of the Grade-Level Expectations in the core content areas.
Purpose of GLEEM Designed to: Provide participants with a deeper understanding of the GLEs and the state comprehensive curriculum; Enable participants to deepen their understanding of effective instructional practices by exploring research-based strategies and instructional resources;
Purpose of GLEEM Designed to: Broaden participants’ knowledge of standards, benchmarks, GLEs, and technology by applying them in the development of standards-based lessons and assessments; and Explore the potential of learning communities as they relate to professional development and student learning through collaborative learning experiences.
GLEEM Online GLEEM consists of 5 learning modules Delivered online via Blackboard Modules may be taken as a series (module 1 is a prerequisite) Each module will consist of learning experiences that focus on discrete topics (or series of topics ) Reflective Readings Research-based Strategies Curriculum Resources Enrichment activities
GLEEM Online Modules Module 1: GLEs: An Introduction Module 2: Effective Classroom Practices Module 3: Enhancing a Standards-Based Lesson Plan Module 4: Effective Assessment Practices Module 5: Making the GLE Connection
GLEEM Online Modules 2-weeks in length Facilitated by an experienced online instructor Networking with educators statewide via Discussion Board
Benefits of GLEEM Earn CLUs upon successful completion of module CLUs applied toward relicensure and NCLB HOUSSE requirements Online modules valued at 8 CLUs Districts give final approval of the awarding of CLUs Free high-quality professional development
Implementation Design Beta Test Conducted January—March 2005 Targeted select groups of Elementary, Middle, and High schools teachers and technology facilitators across grade level/content areas Participants completed 3 modules Field Test Conducted April—May 2005 Targeted prospective online instructors Successfully complete the 5 GLEEM online modules Serve as an online facilitator during the GLEEM statewide pilot Assisted with Course Revisions Statewide Pilot Application Process Kickoff in June Targeted 3-5 member district/school teams Statewide Implementation in Fall 2005
Preview of Modules
Module 1 Which is Which Activity Assignment : Test your knowledge of GLEs and how they relate to Standards and Benchmarks Step 1: Click on the link to the Which is Which site. Follow the directions on the screen.Which is Which
Module 2 Video Assessment Activity Assignment: Review two lesson delivery video clips (from the resources listed in the chart below) and identify the following for each clip: The content area The grade-level The GLEs or objectives of the lesson The instructional strategy or method The video source (e.g., URL address, video title, video series)
Module 3 Exploring a Hotlist of Resources Activity Let's explore some of the online instructional resources that are available to you. A Hotlist containing some of these Internet resources has been created for you. Assignment: Now that you are familiar with some of the instructional resources, put your knowledge to practice. Choose one GLE you are targeting in your lesson plan from Module 2, or a lesson you are using for this module.
Module 4 Clear Targets Activity Preview the Grant Wiggins on Assessment video by selecting the Play Video link under the picture of Grant Wiggins.Grant Wiggins on Assessment Preview the Opening Classroom Doors…Assessment: Addressing Content Standards video. To begin viewing the video clips, click the play button on the screen. To advance the video, you will need to click each of the links in the right toolbar underneath Introduction and then click the play button on each of the clips.Opening Classroom Doors…Assessment: Addressing Content Standards
Module 5 Student Centered Activities Step 1: Visit the Making Connections website at Select a lesson plan (or comprehensive curriculum learning activity) for your particular content area and grade level. As you review the lesson, think of why it was selected as a good model. Now look over the lesson procedures of the lesson plan. How did this particular teacher address student-centered activities? Step 2: As you review the lesson, think why it was selected as a good model. Now look over the lesson procedures of the lesson plan. How did this particular teacher address student-centered activities?
Participant Comments “…I know that the GLEEM Blackboard modules are set by the state. I feel that they are good and that they have the "right" amount of work, time, etc. I have no complaints about the makeup of the modules…” “…I learned a lot from the different modules by reading, doing activities, and discussing information with the other educators. It has been a real eye-opener for what is involved in creating a curriculum that addresses the needs of the many learning levels of students…” “…The websites and information sources (articles) and particularly the video segments are invaluable. I have already passed some of this information on to colleagues. Some of what I have learned has been passed on at meetings within the school to provide research that backs decision making…”
Region I Spotlight
Training Schedule GLEEM: An Introduction September 25- October 8, 2006 January 22- February 4, 2007 GLEEM: Effective Classroom Practices October 16 – November 5, 2006 February 12- February 25, 2007 GLEEM: Enhancing a Standards-based Lesson Plan October 16 – November 5, 2006 February 12- February 25, 2007 GLEEM: Effective Assessment Practices October 16– November 5, 2006 February 12- February 25, 2007 GLEEM: Making the GLE Connection November 6 - November 19, 2006 February 26- March 8, 2007
Questions and Answers
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