X1t models reactive transport in groundwater flows in one linear or radial coordinate. Set initial fluid composition and mass of sorbing mineral Fe(OH)


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Presentation transcript:

X1t models reactive transport in groundwater flows in one linear or radial coordinate. Set initial fluid composition and mass of sorbing mineral Fe(OH) 3 (ppd). Repeat for Inlet fluids.

Heavy metals Pb ++, Cu ++, and Ni ++ are sorbed at different strengths according to a surface complexation model. Inert tracer Br − demonstrates conservative transport.

Enter redox reaction. Enable reaction kinetics from the Reactants pane. Specify kinetic parameters.

Initial pulse of Benzene contaminated water is attenuated by biodegradation.

X2t simulates reactive transport in two dimensions, including injecting and producing wells. Define the flow field Specify domain size and grid spacing. Add location of wells and pumping/ production rates.

Allow permeability to change as porosity and mineral volume evolve. Enter mass transport and medium properties from the Medium pane. You can define homogeneous or heterogeneous domains.

Use contours to plot data in map view. Xtplot renders and animates the results of X1t and X2t simulations. Quickly adjust the contour interval, switch units, add labels, or create a new plot.

Color map shows volume of clay mineral scale formed Select variable and units Adjust scale

Watch simulations unfold with the animation feature. Edit → Animate Configure your plot, view animation, then export image files to make video clips.