Respiratory System. Discover Activity Page 112 Respiratory System Gases  What do you already know about the Function of Respiratory System?  What gases.


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Presentation transcript:

Respiratory System

Discover Activity Page 112

Respiratory System Gases  What do you already know about the Function of Respiratory System?  What gases are exchanged by the respiratory system?  What do you think happens in the body when a person holds his or her breath?

Respiratory System Function  Respiration to obtain and use oxygen to get rid of carbon dioxide and water

Respiratory System  2 parts Breathing  moving air in and out Cellular Respiration

 C 6 H 12 O 6 + O2 CO2 + H2O + ATP  Glucose and oxygen makes carbon dioxide, water and energy  Happens in the Mitochondria of the Cell

Working Together  Respiratory system, Digestive system and Circulatory system  page 114

How Lungs Work.

Air Flow through the System

Process of Breathing  Inhalation Lung volume increases Diaphragm contracts/flattens Ribcage moves up and out Air flows in

Process of Breathing  Exhalation Lung volume decreases Diaphragm relaxes/moves upward Ribcage back to normal position Air flows out

Breathing and Speaking  Larynx Voice box Located at top of trachea  Vocal cords Air rushes through opening Vibration creates sound

Smoking and Your Health

Three major chemicals  Tar  Carbon Monoxide  Nicotine addictive chemical

Three major chemicals  Tar Dark sticky substance that forms when tobacco burns Makes cilia clump together so they can’t prevent harmful material from getting to lungs

Three major chemicals  Carbon Monoxide Colorless, odorless gas Binds to hemoglobin in RBC’s and takes the place of oxygen so body can’t get enough oxygen

Three major chemicals  Nicotine Addictive chemical Increases heart beat and blood pressure Increases activities of the Nervous system

Effects of Nicotine on the Body

Four Respiratory Problems  Chronic Bronchitis  Emphysema  Lung Cancer  Atherosclerosis

Emphysema  Caused by chemicals in Tobacco smoke

Affects on Blood Vessels  Chemicals in blood are absorbed by vessels  Walls get irritated  Irritation contributes to atherosclerosis

Passive Smoking  Inhaling side-stream smoke  Side-stream Smoke smoke that enters the environment from burning tobacco

Mainstream smoke  smoke that is inhaled directly into the mouth through a cigarette, pipe, or cigar

Smokeless Tobacco  Chewing Tobacco Cancer of the mouth (tongue, cheek, gums) Cancer of the throat

Why do people start  Peer Influence  Parent Example  Advertising  Others?

Four reasons not to start  Dangerous (unhealthy)  Expensive  Unpleasant odor  Unattractive

Case Study #2 You are at the mall and are offered free cigarettes. Your friends want to try them. Use the 5 C’s to make a choice about whether you will join them or abstain.

Breathing Emergencies Help someone who is Choking or do Rescue Breathing

Help someone who is Choking  Place thumb side of fist against middle of abdomen just above navel.  Grasp fist with other hand.  Give quick, upward, thrusts.  Repeat until object is coughed up or person becomes unconscious.

Rescue Breathing If air won’t go in?

Excretory System

Function  Collects waste produced by cells  Removes the wastes from the body  Excretion

2 Wastes  Water  Urea A chemical that comes from the breakdown of proteins

Kidneys  Filter blood  Ureters  Bladder  Urethra

Nephrons  Tiny filtering factories that remove wastes form blood and produce urine

Stages of Urine Formation  Wastes and needed materials are filtered out of blood  Most of needed materials are returned to blood  Wastes are eliminated from the body

Chemical Analysis Useful?  Can detect medical problems Diabetes = glucose present Improper kidney function= protein present

Homeostasis  Water  More sweat, less drinking  Less volume of urine

Other organs that help  Lungs  Skin  Liver

Liver function  Breaks down waste so it can be excreted  Produces urea by breaking down proteins  Recycling facility