General Information How the disorder is defined. How prevalent is it. History of the disorder What is the etiology(cause) of the disorder.
Diagnostic Criteria From the DSM-V or DSM-IV TR or other source if not a DSM diagnosis Make sure you have a good understanding of the criteria, you may need to look up terms or read further. Don’t use terms, etc. you don’t understand or know what they mean
Assessments Discuss any tests or measurements commonly used in diagnosis or treatment. Discuss who usually makes the diagnosis (i.e. psychologist, family physician, psychiatrist)
Treatment Discuss treatments for the disorder Evaluate different approaches. Talk about what professionals provide the treatment.
Case Study How the disorder presents itself in a real life situation. Can be from personal experience or that of someone you know, a historical figure, or celebrity, or someone’s experience they shared Can be written or on video or audio recording.
Other information Tips for coping with the disorder. Support groups or advocacy groups. Where to go for more information
Reference List At least five resources In APA style Can be from websites, books, journals, or personal communication
Tips You don’t have to follow the outline exactly but make sure you include the information requested (some things may not apply to every disorder) Include media like video clips and pictures Print out a copy for me. If you are nervous, take a deep breath and relax. Make sure you understand the information you are presenting, you are acting as the expert on this subject.