LLP Grundtvig learning partnership project ACT! Active & Responsible Citizen = Flourishing Future Society 2nd project partner meeting May 2012, Rotterdam
Presentation on the trainings for the potential participants of the civic actions run in Valencia, Spain Date: 2/04/2012 Place: IFES Venues C/ Martín el Humano, 1 Valencia, Spain , Rotterdam
Participants Number: 11 Profile: Artistic background and volunteers Type of institutions represented: Theatre, Art, Social Why they became interested in the project and the trainings: Some already participating in artistic actions Others interested in starting civic actions , Rotterdam
Name: Javier González Profile: Technical Coordinator of ACT! Project Founding member of Improvisational Theatre Company ( Teatro Instantáneo ) , Rotterdam Trainers
Pilot Training 2/04/2012 Preparatory Session4/04/2012 Civic Action7/04/ , Rotterdam Activities
09:00-09:30Presentation 09:30-10:30Training Session 1 10:30-11:30Training Session 2 12:00-14:00Training Session 3 15:00-17:00Training Session 4 17:00-17:30Closing , Rotterdam Training programme
- Formal Opening - Presentation of the participants - ACT! Project (Aim, objectives, partnership) - Previous and future activities - Pilot Training , Rotterdam Opening
, Rotterdam Training Session 1 - What is a Civic Action? - Themes for Civic Actions - Theatre of the Opressed, Invissible and Forum Theatre - Exercises/Games - Evaluation and Discussion
, Rotterdam Training Session 2 - Effective Civic Actions: Pointers - Case Study: Invisible Theatre - Exercises: Script and Impro - Forum Theatre: ‘Sperct-Actors’ - Evaluation and Discussion
, Rotterdam Training Session 3 - Case Studies - How to Develop a Civic Action - Issues for Civic Actions (brain storming) - Groups Work and Sharing - Evaluation and Discussion
, Rotterdam Training Session 4 - Groups Work - Presentations - Feedback - Evaluation and Discussion
, Rotterdam Closing - Summarizing - Planning Next Activities - Evaluation - Formal Closing
Reflections on the “ACT” methodology from the trainers point of view The most appropriate methods Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed: - Invisible Theatre: Easiest implementation in Civic Actions - Forum Theatre: Demands interaction, participation of the audience - Image Theatre: Artistic performance The difficulties faced implementing the trainings Differences among participants (background, interests, etc.) , Rotterdam
Reflections on the “ACT” methodology from the participants point of view , Rotterdam The most effective methods Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed: - Invisible Theatre: Demands certain training and acting skills - Forum Theatre: Active participation of the audience is not always possible - Image Theatre: Easiest method for anyone to participate The difficulties faced while working the trainings Disinhibition, find common interests, future active participation
Applicability of new skills and competences gained during the trainings Social Volunteers Social Demonstrations Teatro InstantáneoStreet Theatre-Civic Actions Carmen Selma Artistic Production , Rotterdam
Carmen Selma
Photos from the trainings , Rotterdam
Ideas generated during the trainings for civic actions to be implemented in partner countries “Expresa tu buen rollo” “Express your good vibes” “Eres especial. ¡Que tengas un buen día!” “You are special. Have a nice day!” , Rotterdam
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