Workshop objectives and agenda Anthony Hodges Regional Chief, Economic and Social Policy, UNICEF, West and Central Africa Region
UNICEFType your title in this FOOTER area and in CAPS Workshop objectives A working meeting to operationalize three major research initiatives launched by UNICEF: The Global Child Poverty Study The Regional Study on the Reflection of Children’s Interests in PRSPs and Government Budgets The Regional Study on Social Protection and Children
UNICEFType your title in this FOOTER area and in CAPS Global Child Poverty Study Being carried out worldwide in over 40 countries Includes 9 countries in West and Central Africa: –Cameroon, Congo, DRC, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone (+ Burundi from East Africa) Research teams constituted in almost all the countries and at different stages of implementation Workshop objective: share initial experience & fine-tune plans for completion of the country studies Working group during workshop Participation: Country researchers, UNICEF CO focal points, HQ staff, Univ. of Bristol (technical support team)
UNICEFType your title in this FOOTER area and in CAPS Regional study on children, PRSPs and budgets Study involves a region-wide desk review and 5 country case studies: –Burkina Faso, Chad, Ghana, Mauritania, Sierra Leone Study being carried out by Oxford Policy Management Draft research plan has been prepared and circulated Workshop objective: review & improve research plan Working group during workshop Participation: OPM research team, focal points from UNICEF COs in case study countries, others from UNICEF HQ, Regional Office, COs and Spain
UNICEFType your title in this FOOTER area and in CAPS Regional study on social protection and children Study involves a region-wide desk review and 5 country case studies: –Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Mali, Senegal Study being carried out by Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Draft research plan has been prepared and circulated Workshop objective: review & improve research plan Participation: ODI research team, focal points from UNICEF COs in case study countries, others from UNICEF HQ, Regional Office, COs
UNICEFType your title in this FOOTER area and in CAPS Agenda Mix of plenaries and working groups Start with introductory plenary – on UNICEF’s global social policy agenda and the socio-economic context in West and Central Africa 2 nd plenary – introducing each of the 3 studies 3 concurrent working groups to discuss and improve the research plans (for one and a half days) –Each group should nominate a chair and a rapporteur 3 rd plenary – report back from working groups Final working group and plenary sessions