Cat Breeds
Shorthair breeds
American shorthair (domestic shorthair) Came to US with English settlers 34 recognized color patterns tabby is the most common color Medium to large sized Affectionate makes great lap cat
Bombay (1958) Relatively new breed resulting from Burmese x American Shorthair Medium sized cat Jet black color Copper or gold colored eyes Disposition Graceful, charming, and get along well with others, even strangers
Cornish rex Small to medium size Oval eyes and curves or rippling hair coat Must be kept indoors lacks guard hairs to protect it from the elements
Siamese Known for devotion to one person Eye color is always deep blue Head forms an equilateral triangle from the nose to the tips of the ears Particularly sensitive to vaccinations and anesthetics Color pigmentation is darker at points
Other shorthair breeds Abyssinian British Shorthair Burmese Devon Rex Japanese Bobtail
Other shorthair breeds Korat Manx Singapura Snowshoe Sphynx
Longhair breeds
birman Sturdy cat of medium to large size Long, silky coat Does not mat and requires little care Very sociable cat that needs the company of others White paws are distinctive characteristic
Maine coon Oldest natural breed in North America Large-size native American origin Large-size Can reach 12 -18 pounds Brown tabby is the best known color
Persian One of the oldest and most popular breeds Well mannered, easy going, quiet Make good apartment cats Excellent companions Require daily grooming to avoid tangles and knots in their fur Need regular bathing to remove excess oil from the coat.
ragdoll Originated in the US during the 1960’s Exceptionally large and heavy breed Blue eyes Docile, quiet, composed Get their name because they show little signs of fear or pain and take a floppy posture when handled
Other longhair breeds Balinese Javanese Cymric Longhaired Manx
Other longhair breeds Himalayan Kashmir Tiffany Turkish Angora
Choose health over breed Signs of health Gums should be pale pink teeth white Eyes should be clear and bright Nose should be cool and slightly damp Clean, glossy coat that is free of mats Signs of illness Discharges from the eyes or nose Buildup of wax in the ears can indicate mites Fleas and parasites such as worms should not be present Potbellied cats may have infestation of worms