4A compare and contrast prokaryote and eukaryote cells Cells
We divide cells into 2 types: prokaryote & eukaryote
PRO means before EU means TRUE KARYON refers to nucleus
Prokaryotes have genetic material that is NOT contained in a nucleus instead its contained in a nucleiod generally smaller & simpler than eukaryotes Has less organelles than eukaryotes ex: bacteria
Eukaryotes contain a nucleus in which their genetic material is separated from the rest of the cell contains dozens of organelles ex: plants, animals, fungi, protists
These types have STRUCTURAL differences. Prokaryotes Bacteria Eukaryotes AnimalPlant
Plant CellAnimal Cell
Why do the plant and bacteria cells seem more rigid? They have cells walls
Why do animal cells seem more flexible in shape? They do not have cell walls
What is the main difference between prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells? “Pro” means “no” nucleus, while eukaryotes have nucleus Prokaryotes are smaller & less complex than eukaryotes
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