Pediatric Nursing Module 2 Caring for Children with Alterations in Oxygenation Chapters 19, 20
Differences between Children and Adults Chest/Respiratory System –Obligate nasal breathers >6wks –Short neck –Smaller, narrower airways = more susceptible to airway obstruction and resp. distress –Tongue is larger in proportion to the mouth = more likely to obstruct airway in unconscious child
Differences between Children and Adults Chest/Respiratory System –Smaller lung capacity and underdeveloped intercostal muscles, poor chest musculature = less pulmonary reserve, lung damage w/o fx –Children rely on diaphragm breathing = high risk for resp. failure if the diaphragm unable to contract
Adjunct Assessments Temperature –Febrile state increases oxygen consumption Fluid Needs –Vomiting/diarrhea are commonly associated with respiratory illness –Increase respiratory efforts, increased fluid losses with decreased po intake requires an increase in fluid needs
Respiratory System Inspection –Chest Size, symmetry movement Infancy shape is almost circular < 6-7 years respiratory movement primarily abdominal or diaphragmatic –Respirations Rate, rhythm, depth, quality, effort >60 /min in small children = significant respiratory distress
Respiratory Assessment Retractions –Substernal –Subcostal –Intercostal –Suprasternal –Supraclavicular Effort –Grunting –Nasal flaring
Respiratory Assessment Color –Mucous membranes –Nailbeds –Skin –Cyanosis
Respiratory Assessment Auscultation –Listen comparing one areas to the other Equality of breath sounds Diminished Poor air exchange –Abnormal breath sounds Rales Rhonchi Wheezing Grunting –Present on inspiration or expiration
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Tonsillitis Tonsils –Lymphoid tissues –Abundance in children especially tonsils Tonsillectomy –Pre-op Bleeding time Loose teeth
Tonsillectomy Post-op –T & A position Semi prone with head turned to the side –Monitor for bleeding Frequent swallowing Persistent pulse of 120 or greater at rest Restlessness Pallor Vomiting bright red blood May bleed for 5-10 days post-op –Home care Diet
Otitis Media Generally bacterial –H. influenza –S. pneumoniae Signs/Symptoms –Fever (maybe) –Pulling, tugging on ears –GI upset – vomit/diarrhea, poor appetite Acute infection of the middle ear
Otitis Media –Irritability –URTI Treatment –Antibiotics Ampicillin, amoxicillin Nursing Concerns - compliance - chronic or recurrent otitis media - hearing loss can lead to speech impediments
Croup - Acute Laryngotracheal Bronchitis Upper airway problem –Edema, swelling of the larynx –Viral 3 months to 3 years –Bacterial 3 to 7 years Signs/Symptoms –Croupy cough –Inspiratory stridor –Hoarseness –Fever –Drool
Croup Primary concern –Obstruction of the airway –Sedatives are contraindicated –Treatment – racemic epinephrine, cool mist
Infections of the Lower Airways Broncholitis / RSV -Respiratory Syncytial Virus Common cause of bronchiolitis or the common cold in infants Signs/Symptoms –Pharyngitis –Fever –Otitis media –Tachypnea –Apnea spells –Poor air exchange –Secretions
RSV Treatment –Aerosol respiratory treatments –Supplemental 02 –Vaccine for high risk infants
Pneumonia Classified according to etiology –viral, bacterial, fungal, aspiration Signs and Symptoms –Respiratory rhonchi, rales dull to percussion retractions, nasal flaring cough
Pneumonia –Systemic high fever –Neurological irritable, restless, lethargic pain –Gastrointestinal a/v/d abdominal pain
Chest X-ray Pneumonia
Long Term Respiratory Dysfunction Asthma Chronic inflammatory disease of airways –airway inflammation –bronchospasm –obstruction Triggers –environmental, chemical, tobacco, exercise, cold air, infection, medication, foods, emotions
Asthma Signs and Symptoms –Respiratory cough auscultation - prolonged expiration, wheeze, diminished breath sound shortness of breath –short panting phrases –Other restlessness, apprehension, cyanosis, sweating
Cystic Fibrosis
Hereditary disease of the exocrine glands thick, tenacious secretions of the mucous- producing glands especially of the bronchi and pancreatic ducts Lungs –Chronic lung disease Bronchial obstruction – pulmonary hypertension Over inflation of the lungs Repeated lung infections
Cystic Fibrosis G.I System –Pancreatic ducts –Blockage of enzymes needed for digestion Sweat glands –Secretions contain excessive amount of salt
Cystic Fibrosis Signs/symptoms –Newborn meconium ileus –Tastes salty when kissed –Recurrent respiratory illnesses –Failure to gain weight with a good appetite –Malasbsorption of fats and proteins Stools are foul smelling, frothy and bulky Pot belly with wasted buttocks
Cystic Fibrosis Diagnosis –Family history of CF –Repeated illnesses/hospitalization with respiratory problems or failure to thrive –Absence of pancreatic enzyme or stool studies –+ sweat chloride tests Concentration of Cl > 60mEq/L
Cystic Fibrosis Treatment –Nutritional Pancreatic enzymes with meals and snacks Vitamin replacement – A,D,E,K High protein, high calorie diet –Pulmonary Thin the secretions, keep them mobile –CPT –Aerosol Treatment bronchodilators, D-nase
Cystic Fibrosis 02 when needed Antibiotics for resp. infections Pulmonary complications –Atelectasis –Lung abscesses –Pneumothorax –Emphysema Prognosis –Life expectancy teen years to early 20s
Respiratory – Nursing Diagnosis Impaired gas exchange Ineffective airway clearance Ineffective breathing pattern High risk fluid volume deficit Altered tissue perfusion Anxiety Activity Intolerance Altered growth/development Knowledge deficit
Respiratory – Nursing Diagnosis PC: Atelectasis/Pneumonia PC: Electrolyte Imbalance PC: Hemorrhage PC: Hypoxia
Nursing Interventions Assess respiratory status –Tachypnea, labored breathing, shallow breathing –Effort Retractions Nasal flaring Head bobbing –Grunting –Apnea –Poor air exchange –02 saturation
Nursing Interventions Oxygenation/ventilation needs –Administer O2 Incubator/oxygen hood Nasal prongs Mist tent –Tracheotomy – croup Decrease respiratory efforts Infant car seat Knee-chest position
Nursing Interventions Maintain airway –Head tilt – do not hyper extend neck –Aerosol treatment –CPT –Suction bulb syringe, BBG or tracheal bronchial Fluids –IV or po
Nursing Interventions Labs Medications Conserve energy –Organize care Monitor vital signs Teaching