Al Bayan Educational Complex High school – University How to fill in the gap Prepare students for a smooth transition Dr. Lorenza Innocenti CAS coordinator IB teacher English A2 and ToK
What students need Skills and Competencies Help to find out personal learning style How to take notes Writing and reading skills Research skills Presentation skills Critical thinking Time management
What students need Skills and Competencies Leadership skills Communication skills Public speaking Ability to connect knowledge domains Problem solving Analytical skills
What students need Behavioural Changes Learn to avoid culture shock/culture clash Academic Culture Don’t be excessive mark-oriented, work for learning not for marks Different ways of learning Number of studying hours
What students need Behavioural Changes Don’t procrastinate /psychology of procrastination Punctuality Meet deadlines Planning
What teachers can do Teaching/learning methodologies (Problem Based Learning, Debates) Method of analysis Alternative evaluation strategies (Project Based learning, portfolio) Building different teacher/students relation (build trust and respect not fear) Learning with pleasure ( interesting material) Survey students
PBL & Debate Skills/Competencies PBL & Debate Become active learner Practice oral communication and written skills. Evaluate themselves and other. Accept criticism Analytical skills Problem solving Strategic brokering Time management Planning Learn to respect the freedom of expression for others Learn how to research Learn other cultures
Methods of analysis Flow-chart technique Boundary-examination technique Brainstorm using Reverse Assumptions Mind Map Lateral Thinking/ Serious Creativity Six Action Shoes Parallel Thinking/Six Thinking Hats method Skills needed
Evaluation Subject mastery EI Link knowledge domains Creativity Comprehensive Evaluation Project- Based learning Portfolio
What school can do High school teachers are formed and used as “master learner” to teach university courses in summer programs College students teach some lessons on their current topics College students help high school students as mentor protégée pairs College and high school teachers review academic performance of students
What school can do School counselors meet/work/survey freshmen High school and university teachers cooperate to identify critical subject matter knowledge, core concepts and pedagogical strategies and in summer programmes
What policy makers can do High School Standard University entry requirements
A smooth transition Policy- makers Design Curriculum standards Schools and Teachers Teaching/learning methods Evaluation methods Behavioral changes University staffUniversity entry requirements Achieved and met
Al Bayan Educational Complex Thank you