Voting is the most important workplace decision you make. Understanding MMP
When you vote in the election It is the Party Vote that decides who will be the next government
To get into parliament A party must either : Get 5% or more of the Party Vote; or Win one constituency seat and then the party vote for that party below 5% counts. 1.6% could deliver another seat for that party.
The party vote decides who will form the next government who will form the next government
A message from the PM “There is no room for confusion over vote splitting…. The importance of the Party Vote in deciding the weight of the party in parliament is so fundamental that it is vital that people give their party vote to the party they most prefer………..” Helen Clark, 1998
How much is your vote worth? If your two votes are worth $10, how much is your Party Vote worth and how much is your Electorate Vote worth?
Here’s the answer.. Electorate Vote = $1 Party Vote = $9
So the union message is Enrol to vote – every vote counts! Make sure you vote on election day! No party vote is wasted! Your electorate vote will help deliver the local candidate you like best! Your party vote will deliver the government you want! It doesn’t help to try to pick a coalition partner or split your votes – you could be voting a good union MP into opposition!