Lecture notes 2, 4910 spring 2005, The RAINS model Transboundary pollution UN 1972 conference on the human environment: States have...the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other states or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.
Transboundary pollution, cont. OECD: The Polluter Pays Principle, PPP. OECD /UNECE: Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, LRTRAP EMEP : Co-operative programme for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long- Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe.
Results of LRTRAP The first sulphur protocol; the Helsinki Protocol, 1985, of uniform reductions of 30% The RAINS model : Regional Acidification INformation and Simulation The second sulphur protocol; the Oslo Protocol, 1994: non-uniform reductions up to 80% The 1999 Gothenburg Protocol to abate acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone
EMEP grids of Europe Source: Country Assumption: Spatial distribution of emissions constant Receptor: A map grid of 150x150 (50x50)km Consequence: many different ecosystems within each receptor Transfer coefficient average value for a year
Critical loads Repeated deposition that will not create significant damage of the ecosystem in the long run Interpretation of significant damage: Ecosystem functions ok, reproduction ok Priority problems within a grid Cannot aggregate ecosystems Critical classification survival-no survival
CL cumulative distribution Deposition/ hectar 100% % Ecosystem area in % AAE* dodo Exceedance Accumulated exceedance as environmental target
Gap closure principles: Average Accumulated Exceedance
Target for accumulated exceedance Uniform percentage reduction, x, of average accumulated exceedance in all grids Benchmark value: d j o
The cost function in RAINS The emitting unit is a country, i Purification costs for different sectors are agggregated in merit order The emissions, e o, for a future year are based on projections of energy use and economics activity Costs change with projected emissions
The environmental block Deposition of SO 2 into a grid cell from all sources (countries) b j = background deposition
The optimisation problem Minimise total purification costs subject to environmental targets for each grid cell and limits om emissions
The Lagrangian
The first order conditions Interior solution: marginal purification costs equal to total shadow-priced evaluation of contribution to accumulated exceedance at binding constraints
Illustration of optimal solution c’* eoeo Emissions Marginal costs e min e* μ γ
Economic interpretations Marginal purification costs differ between countries due to individual transfer coefficients non-uniform reductions of pollutants Shadow price for each receptor shows system marginal costs of deposition constraint May have non-feasible solution due to fixed initial emissions and limited purification possibilities maximal purification, reducing initial emissions, or changing target loads