INNOVATIVE FORMATIVE SETTINGS FOR ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT THE EXAMPLE OF COMAU Domenico Bodega – Università Cattolica di Milano Ezio Fregnan – Comau Robotics Silvia Ivaldi – Università Cattolica di Milano Giuseppe Scaratti – Università Cattolica di Milano FORMS OF TRAINING FOR SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
THEORETICAL Background (I) Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 TRAINING FOSTERING ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Dialogue between different worlds Crucial training experience Formative intervention Learning from the field as GERM CELL
THEORETICAL Background (II) Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 Connection between different kind of knowledge and stakeholders Define new perimeters of knowledge production, learning and circulation Within and between perspective Activity theory: framework for studying organizational learning FOCUS ON THE NEXT SLIDE ORGANZIATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
MACRO MESO MICRO THEORETICAL Background (III) Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 Alliances between different worlds (mobilization of tangible and untangible resources...) Institutional policies between different worlds whose connection often remains only in declarations and not implemented Micro agreements with respect to operational and practical contents INNOVATIVE TRAINING SETTINGS
THE CASE – main contradiction source Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 WHY AN INNOVATIVE TRAINING SETTING? Mediating artifact tools Subject Rules Community Division of labour Mediating artifact tools Subject Rules Community Division of labour - integrate theoretical knowledge with experience on the field - Help students in enhancing hard and soft skills - work on people - create and consolidate a culture of knowledge production and sharing - promote people involvement and engagement
CONTEXT Description Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 COnsorzio MAcchine Utensili 40 years of experience in advanced manufacturing systems Proven world-wide leader in sustainable automation and service solutions global presence with 24 locations in 13 countries Focus on people first and then on products and services Different points of view and engagement of as many people as possible Share with everyone involved in the processes Modeling is done collaboratevely; iterative process Make people aware and involved Focus on people and on their training and development Creation of firm academy Support production and circulation of knowledge Importance of both soft and hard skills development
Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 UNIVERSITY Mediating artifact tools Subject Rules Community Division of labour Mediating artifact tools Subject Rules Community Division of labour Mediating artifact tools Subject Rules Community Division of labour Achieve graduation and enrich their curriculum Involve new and young workforce OBJECT UNIVERSITY FIRM STUDENTS do without thinking Oppurtinistic make up develope experience in a bureaucratic way Fullfil a formal task THE CASE – risks and contradictions STAKEHOLDERS NEEDS AND OBJECTIVES
Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 STAKEHOLDERS NEEDS AND OBJECTIVES STUDENTS UNIVERSITY FIRM - COMAU Selecting new young professionals Spreading and consolidating the organizational culture Testing managers in mentoring and training activities Creating strategic partnership with other entities Observe real professional contexts Experience work practices Receive feedbacks Reread the experience with the help of professionals and tutors Offer students new ways of learning and improvement (TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS) Students assessment Establish significant partnership with firms Connect theorethical fields and professional worlds THE CASE – needs and objectives
Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 INNOVATIVE SETTING - LEARNING FIRM - COMAU Training based on contents Training based on experience on the field Action and production of outcomes and products Focus on relationship and collaboration Focus on diversity of experiences and backgrounds LEARNING: knowledge production and circulation THE CASE – learning settings
Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 MANAGERS FOR A DAY INSTRUMENT FIRM - COMAU THE CASE – from abstract to concrete MANAGERS FOR A DAY Observation of daily working practices Technical insights about professional instruments Dialogical interaction / reflection on the practices Bidirectional assessment and feedbacks about competences and potentialities
Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 INNOVATIVE SETTING - EVALUATION Student’s soft skills assessment Student’s hard skills assessment Managers evaluation Trainers evaluation ASSESSMENT: a complex and multivoiceness approach THE CASE – assessment process (I)
Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 INNOVATIVE SETTING - EVALUATION StudentsTeachers Managers Qualitative feedback from students, managers and teachers (strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and limits) Quantitative feedback (contents) Qualitative feedback and quantitative feedback from students (satisfaction, area of improvement) Qualitative feedback and quantitative feedback from students (contents and training and relational skills) FOCUS ON THE NEXT SLIDE THE CASE – assessment process (II)
Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 INNOVATIVE SETTING - EVALUATION PERFORMANCE DISTRIBUTED LEADERSHIP Position of the student Quantitative feedback (public speaking/questionnai re) Quantitative feedback (soft skills) THE CASE – assessment process (III)
Innovative formative settings for organizational development The example of Comau in Detroit ISCAR 2014 CONCLUSION UNIVERSITY relounch and recover its original mission/place in which knowledge is re-produced by understanding a dialogue with different stakeholders and worlds FIRMS assume as part of its sustainability and corporate social responsability an authentic investment of people and training socialization STUDENTS overcome an opportunistic concpetion of learning, fostering the process of their professional trajector