Officer Elections Kay Chopard Cohen Secretariat
Important Dates February 14 – Membership Agreements Signed and Deadline to be Eligible to Vote and Recommend Candidates February 15 – Call for Candidates will be Issued April 15 – End of Interim Officer Terms
Call for Candidates February 15 Issued for all Elected Positions and/or Link will be provided to submit candidate recommendations You may Self-Recommend You may run for office in both elections but only serve in one office February 25 Call for Candidates will Close
At-Large Officer Elections March 14 Election Opens for At-Large Officers o Plenary Chair and Vice Chair o Management Council Chair o At-Large Delegates on the Management Council Closes March 18 Runoff elections will be scheduled if necessary
Stakeholder Delegate Elections April 10 election opens for Stakeholder Category Delegates o Must be a member of the Stakeholder Category to run o Must be a member of the Stakeholder Category to recommend a candidate Closes April 12 Runoffs scheduled if necessary
Plenary 4 May 9 and 10, 2013 Network Meeting Center, Santa Clara, CA IIW conference May 7-9 in nearby Mountain View, CA No hotel room block but local hotels will be listed on website
Network Meeting Center Silicon Valley’s TechMart 5201 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054