YOGA Holly Lewis Computers and Instruction November 11, 2009
What do you know about yoga? Have you ever practiced yoga?
Fun Facts about Yoga Yoga originated in India In the East, it is seen as a more spiritual practice focusing on meditation In the West, it is seen as a more physical practice, for the benefit of staying healthy. It is estimated that around sixteen million North Americans practice “Hatha” yoga. Hatha yoga classes focus on breathing exercises, physical exercises and meditation, which are especially beneficial for people with back, heart, or breathing problems.
More Fun Facts Yoga means “to yoke,” which can be loosely translated to “to join,” “to unite.” A male who practices yoga is referred to as a yogi or yogin, whereas a female who practices yoga is called a yogini. In most yoga sessions, “Om” is chanted. “Om” is a mantra that is a vibration of the universe around us. Chanting Om at the beginning and end of a yoga session brings the person a sense of connection to the entire universe and is meant to be soothing and uplifting.
So.. Let's practice Yoga!!!