Stage Make-up Ms. Salo
So, you know how to put on the essentials… now what!
A Make-up Kit is a container holding collected materials needed in the make-up artist’s work place (stage performance, photo shoot, etc.)
CosmeticsApplicators Hygiene/ Safety Special Effects/ Miscellaneous 4 Categories
Foundation Liquid Powder Color correctors (all shades) Concealors (3 – 5 shades) Translucent powder Eye brow pencil Eye shadows Eye liners Pencil (3 shades) Liquid (2 shades)
Continued … Mascara Water resistant Water proof Blush Bronzer Lip liners (3 shades) Lip gloss Lip stick
Sponges Clean make-up brushes (List types of brushes) Brush holder Disposable mascara wands Disposable lip stick spatula(s)
Cape/gown/apron Make-up remover cleansing wipes (Ponds) Cleanser/Moisturizer (Cetaphil) Anti-bacterial lotion Tissues Cotton swabs (professional grade) Brush cleaner Baby shampoo (Johnson & Johnson) Pencil sharpener Breath mints/gums/cough drops Water
False lashes (multiple pairs) Individual false lashes False lash adhesive Latex Spirit gum Fake blood Eye lash curler Tweezers (Tweezerman) Cosmetic grade double sided Q-tips Small cosmetic scissors
Continued… Hairspray/comb/brush/hair nets each color Bobbie pins/headbands/hair ties Spray bottle for water Safety pins Mini sewing kit Clear nail polish Nail polish remover Eye drop Band aids Double stick tape Preparation H Carmex/Vitamin E Hand held mirror Camera
1. Project Introduction 2. Face Chart 3. Model Consultation 4. Product List 5. Play Dates 6. Evaluation
Project #1Free Design Project #2Eye Pattern Project #3Special Effects Project #4Animated Character Project #5Eye Shaping and Design Project #6Reshaping Features Project #7Grandma and Grandpa Project #8Animal Behaviors Project #9Masquerade Project #10Celebrate Good Times Project #11Henna Tattoos
Brainstorming opportunity ◦ do not hesitate ◦ test all ideas
Every detail of the design must be account for Why? 3 details per item 1.Brand 2.Name 3.Color PRODUCT LIST Brand NameProduct NameColor Foundation Concealor Translucent Powder Highlighter Shader Eye brows Eye shadow(s) Eye liner(s) Mascara/Lashes Blush/bronzer Lip liner Lip stick Lip gloss Additional Products
LISTEN Ask questions Some questions might be… 1. What do they do now for maintenance? 2. What are they looking for? 3. What colors do they like? Dislike? 4. What type of skin? Sensitive? 5. Contacts? Teary eyes? 6. Discuss foundation type and color.
CONSULTATION NOTES Skin type(s)? Sensitive? What color do you usually wear? Any color you do not really like? Skin issues/discoloratio ns Best features? Skin care r é gime Worst features? Any ideas for your outfit? Face FeaturesHair color change? Eye colorContacts? Eye glasses? Eye shapeAllergies? Eyebrow shapeMedications? Lip shapeMedical formalities? Hair colorSpecial concerns Hair style/length Comments High/low maintenance