THE SELECTION PROCESS Timeline, testing and results
What do the 11+ tests measure? A child’s ability to undertake Verbal Reasoning which is a reliable, and therefore, a good way to predict a child’s future performance The result is not a measure of a child’s intelligence or IQ The overall results for a school are not a measure of success in teaching
Does my child have to sit the tests? No – your child only has to take the tests if you would like them to go to a grammar school. Think carefully about whether a grammar school would suit your child and whether it would be appropriate for them to sit the tests, particularly if they have Special Educational Needs.
Would a grammar school suit my child? Yes, if they: are comfortable learning at the pace and depth required by a grammar school would read widely around the curriculum which is more academic than vocational are self-motivated and a self-directed learner
What is the testing timeline? The tests are taken in the autumn term of Year 6 – the school year in which your child is 11 The tests will be on 4 and 10 October 2012 You will get the results on 30 November 2012 Selection Reviews begin in January 2013 Places are offered on 1 March 2013 Children move up to secondary school in September 2013
The Familiarisation Pack This term your child will start to get ready for the tests. In class they will work through 5 sessions of Familiarisation All 11+ questions types are covered and the answers will be discussed Your child will bring the Familiarisation pack home once it is completed
The Practice Tests At the start of the autumn term, when Familiarisation is complete, three Practice tests are taken under exam conditions The first Practice test (Test A) is easier than the real tests The second and third Practice tests (Tests 1 & 2) are broadly as difficult as the real tests Rough paper is not allowed, nor in the real tests They are not marked but the answers are provided. Your child can bring the Practice tests home once completed
What if my child misses Familiarisation or Practice? Talk to the Headteacher to see if they can reschedule the missed session If this is not possible, the pack has all the information necessary for you to finish working through it at home with your child Your child cannot be tested until they have completed Familiarisation and Practice
The 11+ Tests They are produced by GL Assessment There are two 11+ test papers Each test lasts for 50 minutes There are 80 multiple choice Verbal Reasoning questions in each test Each question is worth one mark The questions are not related to the National Curriculum
How are the tests marked? Answer sheets are sent to GL Assessment for computerised marking (scanning) One point is given for each correct answer, so a maximum of 80 ‘raw’ points for each test The raw scores are ‘standardised’ by NfER (National Foundation for Educational Research)
Standardisation Removes the effects of the different ages of the children by taking into account each child’s age when they took the tests Balances tests of unequal difficulty (although the two tests are broadly of similar difficulty) Ensures the results are comparable with previous years Converts the raw score to a standardised score for each test that is between 69 and 141
Verbal Reasoning Test Score The lowest standardised score is disregarded The highest test score is used to see if your child has reached the standard for entry to grammar school This score is your child’s Verbal Reasoning Test Score (VRTS) The VRTS needed to qualify for a grammar school is usually 121 or more The average VRTS is about 112
What happens if my child is unwell and misses a test? Your child will be able to sit the test in school at a later date, and as soon as possible You will be given notice of the new test date Your child should NOT sit the test if they are unwell (even if they want to!)
What do I do if I think my child might not have done as well in the tests as I’d hoped? At the time, collect evidence such as a doctor’s letter etc … If your child’s VRTS is less than 121, you can ask for a Selection Review if you think they should be qualified for grammar school Once you have the test results, talk to your child’s headteacher
Adjusted Tests The tests may be adjusted for children with disabilities where the day-to-day classroom curriculum is adjusted to meet their needs Headteachers let the Local Authority (LA) know about children to be considered for adjusted tests If you think your child may not be able to access the tests, discuss this with their headteacher now
When will I know the results? On 30 November you will receive a letter It will tell you your child’s scores and confirm whether they have qualified for entry to grammar school The letter is addressed to you not your child Its contents are confidential and should not be used as a comparison between children
How many children qualify? For 2012 entry, the minimum qualifying VRT score was 121. This is expected to stay the same for 2013 Approximately 30% of children tested score 121 or more At the end of the process and following Selection Reviews, we expect approximately 34% of the children to qualify for grammar school
What can I do if my child does not qualify? You will be able to ask for a Selection Review You will be told how you may do this in the results letter you receive in November Selection Review decisions will be made by the Selection Review Panel More information will also be available in the Guide for Parents
If my child scores 121 or more, will they be offered a grammar school place? This depends on the order you list grammar and other schools when you apply for your child’s secondary school place It also depends on the admission rules of the grammar schools you list
THE ALLOCATION PROCESS Timelines, Preferences and Offers
What happens in the autumn term 2012? September / October - secondary school open events are held 4 & 10 October – the 11+ tests take place 31 October – deadline for applying for your child’s secondary school place 30 November – the 11+ results are released
What happens in the spring & summer terms 2013? January selection reviews begin 1 March – you will be sent a letter offering your child a secondary school place - information about what to do next will be in the Guide for Parents You can appeal for a place at a preferred school – a Transfer Appeal 2 July – your child will go to an induction day at their new secondary school
How do I apply for a secondary school place for my child? You will be able to do this online. If you live in Buckinghamshire visit the council’s website between 6 September and 31 October 2012 If not, go to your own LA’s website.
Where do I get more information about applying for a school place? You will receive the ‘Moving up to Secondary School’ leaflet in June By early July, detailed information about applying for a secondary school place will be available on the council’s website:
Making an application You will be able to: List up to 6 schools, including grammar, upper and out of county schools Put the schools in the order you prefer them Give reasons why you have listed these schools
Important notes Your child can only be offered a grammar school place if they have qualified If two schools on your list have a place for your child, then they will be offered a place at the school you listed highest Where you put a school on your list will not impact on the chances of a place being offered
How does the offer process work? Buckinghamshire LA co-ordinates the offer process for all schools in the county, as well as with neighbouring LAs It shares information about which children want a place at which school Each admission authority uses its admission rules to decide who can have a place at their school This means that each school you list is treated as if it were a separate application
How are the places offered? Buckinghamshire LA will be told which children can be offered places If more than one place is available for your child, they will be offered the one you listed highest and the other place will be given to another child If your child cannot be offered a place at one of the schools on your list, they may be offered a place at either the catchment school or the nearest school with a vacancy
Offer Day National Offer Day is Friday, 1 March If you applied online, you will receive an on 1 March giving you the outcome of your application and you can accept the school place electronically Offer letters will be posted on this day by the LA in whose area you live, even if the place being offered is elsewhere If you are not offered a place at a school you prefer then you will be able to appeal
An Example Tom has three preferences. His mum lists them as 1. High Town School 2. Leafy Lane School 3. Long Avenue School
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Transfer Appeals You can ask for an appeal if your child was not offered a place at your preferred school
About Appeals Panels consists of three independent people (not paid by the Council) Panel members have no connection to the school involved in the appeal You should attend the appeal, although it can be held in your absence
Finally – some things to remember! Make sure you apply for your child’s secondary school place by 31 October 2012 Apply online at or on your home LA’s website List the schools in your true preference order Be realistic with the schools you list and consider transport arrangements Visit the schools you are interested in, do not rely on the opinions of others. Make sure you understand their admission rules and arrangements If you need any help or more information or call the Admissions & Transport Team on
A free service for families who are applying for a secondary school place Support for parents and carers to enable informed and realistic choices Choice Advisers are not part of the admissions system and will provide impartial advice They will not make a decision for you and cannot offer or guarantee a place at your preferred school
Support families in understanding –the school transfer system –the admissions rules –catchment areas –how to express a preference for a particular school Suggest factors to consider Provide access to information such as uniform rules and costs, transport, results, school specialisms, curriculums and alternative courses, etc Help with completing the application Choice Advisers are able to:
Visit our website for links to information you may find useful when making your decisions If you require further support contact us via the BCC Contact Centre on or ask your child’s Headteacher to refer you