Welcome to Parent Night. Jeff Bakel Room 168 Chemistry
How to contact Mr. Bakel: Home phone Work is….. Note: You should already be in my parent group and receiving s at this time.
Hints on keeping track of your teenager: Unit Objectives Notebook Tests Grade Reports and PIV.
I out information about this class as needed. I will tell you about things your child should be doing, test dates, how things are going grade wise…. Etc.
Lesson Plans At the start of each unit, your child has all of the unit’s objectives / work sheets for the whole unit. The test date for that unit is also given. Reading assignments are given out on a day to day basis to keep them ahead of lecture but not to far ahead.
Notebook It is kept all year and will contain the following: Class procedures. Current unit objectives. All handouts for that unit. Their current grade report. Graded tests and quizzes.
Grade Report and PIV. Given out the 2 nd day after every test. Work ethic grade should never be below a 100%. Notebook should always be a 100% It is graded for organization and completion only. They grade all work that I assign except tests. Those they correct.
My general teaching method to prepare students for a test: Hear it, students take notes during lecture, usually the first 3 days of a unit. See it, during lecture students are reading ahead at home and taking their own notes before the lecture. I also love demonstrations during lecture. Do it, after lecture class time is used for labs, group quizzes, and assignments. Evaluate and learn from mistakes, students grade their own work as they go.
Tests are also a learning tool. My tests are comprehensive in groups of 3. Students learn from mistakes on each test given. The last test given in the series determines the test grade. All test questions are covered by notes, assignments, labs, and reading.
Test summation for first semester. Unit 3 test covers the first 9 weeks (units 1,2 and 3) and will replace the two practice tests before it. Unit 6 test covers the last 9 weeks (units 4,5, and 6) and will replace the two practice tests before it. Unit 3 and Unit 6 test scores are averaged for their overall unit test average. Unit 3 and Unit 6 tests will be combined to make up the content of their 1 st semester test.
Reg. Chem. Vs Pre A.P. and A.P. Chemistry Regular Chemistry is our Junior Varsity of Chemistry with Pre. A.P. being Varsity and A.P. being the pros. Reg. Chem. and Pre A.P. Chem. are both trying to get your child ready for the college course. Reg. Chem. students, in general, may be starting with a wider range of skill levels that may require more practice of fundamental concepts and a higher level of teacher guidance. Or they may be that Senior student who just now decided to go pre-med next year. Same scope and sequence, just not as in-depth in some places.