RESEARCH – ACTION about the computerised collection of data for training with the help of a self managed tool : the PPCU (BPP) Personalized Professional Check UP by UNAFORMEC Philippe BONET — Pierre CLAVEIROLE — Pierre COLOMBIER Jean-Jacques CRAPPIER — Charlotte CRAPPIER Eric DRAHI — Roger PICOT EQuiP Heidelberg 2003
Outline Introduction Méthod Results Discussion
Physicians use to select training themes based on interest not what they need most
To optimise on going medical training Personalised professional check- up PPCU (BPP) The principle: To allow the volunteer participating physicians to optimise their professional education adapting this to their individual training needs Personal education program PFP
The PPCU A training needs identification tool 3 main steps Self managed Computerised Covering the fields of: –Knowledge –Know-how (or ability) –Non technical behaviour
PPCU : 3 tools for 3 steps 1°/ what do I do ? or what's my professional life reality The activity I think I have The activity I really have My satisfaction level 2°/ Who am I ? or how my personality influences my professional activity Psycho behaviorist tests Explaining comments 3°/ What do I know ? or what is my knowledge ? Self evaluation of knowledge by themes Questions about operational knowledge Argued and referenced answers with evidences levels
What do I do? 3 steps « What do I do? » « What do I do? » What I believe that I do Self questionnaire on CD rom What I believe that I do Self questionnaire on CD rom What I really do A randomized Collect by a PDA What I really do A randomized Collect by a PDA What my fellows do? (consultation of the group results on internet ) What my fellows do? (consultation of the group results on internet )
A computerized tool
Charts and tables (2)
« Who am I? » 8 Psycho behaviourist tests with an analysis grid and explanatory comments focused on decision taking and the relationship to one's self and to the others How my personality influences in my professional practice as : a physician a person and a learner
« What do I know ? » Self evaluation of knowledge and decisional strategies To increase the critical ability characteristic to each speciality
Strategies coming out of the Guidelines Argued answers Referenced data An indication of the evidence level with an EBM approach ( RIGHT – right – WRONG – wrong - IDK ) « What do I know ? »
56 themes of which 34 are finalised for the family practice coming from : the most frequently care noted causes Public health themes (national public health meeting) PPCU pilotage committee priority themes « What do I know ? »
An action research study with 100 general practitioners participants The 3 tools have been developed during the 2 past years The results have been collected by More than 350 files have been received 1% of non exploitable files
The results 88 general practitioners have completed the study protocol Picture of the individual activity and the problems identified by the physicians in their practice Globally the physicians are satisfied with their practice
Professionnal Activity
Personality tests
PPCU is revealing scotomas Most physicians are very confident with their abilities The first step of the PPCU (a priori or practice tests) rarely shows training needs The personality test results amaze but also provides insight about one's medical practice Knowledge tests show clear divergences between perceived and real needs
Conclusion PPCU allows the screening of a very wide field of practice It allows the consideration of personal development strategies Outside help may be necessary for physicians to identify their priorities The required training and their own way through the different suggested offers The data that has been collected with the tool are of course useful for the physician, individually,but also for the entire profession The next step of our research will be to keep track of the physicians having completed the PPCU in order to verify the following hypothesis