GI Problems Among the Elderly Chapter 13
Normal Elimination Frequency of BM varies with the individual Range = Twice a day – Once every 2 days Consistency = Soft, formed, brown Always observe color, character, consistency
Factors Affecting BM Bed rest Inactivity Inadequate exercise Inadequate fluid intake Change in diet Inability to chew food properly
GI Problems Constipation Fecal Impaction Straining to pass stool Marble like stool Fecal Impaction Most serious form of constipation Caused by retention of stool Feces becomes hard & dry / Unable to pass S&S = abd pain, bloating, flatulence
GI Problems Diarrhea Bowel Incontinence Occurs when peristalsis is very fast Causes dehydration Bowel Incontinence Involuntary BM Caused by mental confusion, neurological disease, trauma Skin exposed to fecal matter will breakdown quickly
Enemas “Introducing fluid into the lower intestine to cleanse rectum & lower colon” Ordered by a doctor Relieves constipation Sims position is used when giving an enema
Types of Enemas Cleansing Enema Retention Enema Removes feces from rectum & lower bowel Stimulates peristalsis / Softens stool Water based Retention Enema Soften hard stool Lubricates the rectum Oil based
Rules of Enemas Administer only with direction of LPN Don’t give enema within 1 hr. after a meal Temp. for water based should be 105F Lubricate tip before inserting (insert 2 to 4 in.) Enema in a bag should be raised 12 to 16 in. above rectum Assist pt. to bathroom afterwards
Colostomy Surgical opening at the colon Opening is called a stoma (bag is attached) Observe the skin around the stoma Redness Skin breakdown Irritation