Mission… It’s All About… Jesus! Jesus loves me this I know; For the Bible tells me so. Little Ones to Him Belong; They are Weak, but He is Strong. 1
It’s All About… Jesus! We are living in the greatest days of Harvesting in history! 2
Evangelical Christianity is growing faster than Islam and two times faster than Buddhism and Hinduism.
* Explosion of the non-western Church * True Christianity has grown by more than 300 million believers in the past ten years.True Christianity has grown by more than 300 million believers in the past ten years. About 10 million of these new Christians are from North America and EuropeAbout 10 million of these new Christians are from North America and Europe The Global South: The new faces of Evangelical Christianity
1948 less than 1 million believers.1948 less than 1 million believers conservative estimates suggest over 100 million believers. Most all of the growth has been in the last 35 years.2013 conservative estimates suggest over 100 million believers. Most all of the growth has been in the last 35 years. Over 12,000 new Chinese believers every day! The great need is for pastoral training.Over 12,000 new Chinese believers every day! The great need is for pastoral training. * China *
Nazarene Acceleration… in Making Christlike Disciples It took us almost 100 years to reach 1 Million in Members In the Last 20 years We Added 1.3 Million More
7 Jesus Said: … go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you to the very end of the age. Matt 28:19-20
8 Jesus Said: Our Mission is … … to Make Christlike Disciples in the Nations!
Simply Multiply… Disciples… Leaders… Groups… Churches… 9
The Facts are Clear… The most effective strategy for making Christlike disciples in the nations is church planting. The most Biblical strategy for making Christlike disciples in the nations is daughter church planting.
USA/Canada The Early Years: 1.Doubled 4 times in 50 Years 2.From 300 to 600 to 1,200 to 2,400 to about 5,000 Churches 3.Why? 1.Indigenous Leaders 2.Low Cost 3.Reproducible Methods 11
Making Christlike Disciples through New Churches… 13 People Trained 2,098 Certified Trainers 673 Master Trainers 111 DSs Taking Training 56 of 77 = 73% New Churches Registered in New Churches Registered in New Churches Registered in New Churches Registered in Estimated New Registrations in Prayer Force (Luke 10:2) 1,194
Biblical Principle #1 Christ is the Lord of the Church and He has a Vision for Your Church! 14
Public Vision Statements: Oregon Pacific- Every Church start 1 new every 5 Years Virginia- 1% of Pop.= 50,000 Disciples; 27 Started North Carolina- 44 New Churches in 5 years Iowa-20/20 Vision (20 ch’s + 20 CMC by 2020) Nebraska- 25/25 Vision; 25 new by 2025 Kansas- +70 by 2025, 140 more by 2035=280 Total NW OH-Church/10,000=160; Increase of 100 Ch Louisiana- 2% of Pop.= 92,000; 735 total churches of 125 avg. by 2026; 70 new in New Orleans 15
Joplin District: Vision by Jim Dillow & team, 70 new in 10 yrs New DS, Mark Bane Same Vision, Shorter Time: 70 new in 5 years Two CP Trainings a Year: Spring and Fall Increases from 2014 to 2015: New Churches Registered 20 New Churches Organized 8 Membership +3.2% SS attendance +7.1% Worship Attendance +9.6% New Nazarenes +63% 16
Eastern Michigan District: Vision DS Glen Gardner, 50 new in 10 years “Expect Five Years to See Measureable Results” CP Training Every Year Increases from 2014 to 2015: 5 New Churches Registered; 6 More in Progress Membership: +77 Worship: +52 SDMI: +119 Conversions: +20 Baptisms: +77 New Nazarenes:
Our Mission: To make disciples that make disciples that make disciples… It is about a plentiful harvest A “church” within walking distance of everyone in the world Our Vision:
Matthew 28:18-20 The Great “Go” mission cycle Go Make Baptize and Teach Obey Discipleship Multiplication
YearEvangelistDiscipler , , , , , , , ,6501, ,0152, ,3804, ,7458, ,11016, ,47532, ,84065, ,205131, ,570262, ,935524, ,3001,048, ,6652,097, ,0304,194, ,3958,388, ,76016,777, ,12533,554, ,49067,108, ,855134,217, ,220268,435, ,585536,870, ,9501,073,741, ,3152,147,483, ,6804,294,967,296
The Harvest Is In The Field Not In The Barn It is about a plentiful harvest Go I am sending you out !
“He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field. Go! I am sending you out…” ~ Lk 10:2-3a It is about a plentiful harvest Go I am sending you out !
Inward Focus Y’all Come Theology of Missions Missional Focus We all GO If you build it they comeIf he builds us we go Come meet my pastorCome meet my Jesus Academic discipleshipRelational discipleship
Inward Focus Pastor’s job to disciple Theology of Missions Missional Focus Our mission to disciple My church growthHis kingdom growth AdditionMultiplication We will transform the World when we become missionaries
The Challenge- Multiply 1.Change the Conversation 2.Join/Create a Prayer Force 3.Encourage Risk 4.Provide Training 5.Celebrate Victories/ Tell the Stories 6.Remove the Barriers 7.Turn the Lay People Loose 25
Trinidad & Tobago District We Will Multiply Disciples and Churches on the Trinidad and Tobago District to the Glory of God! 26
It’s All About… Jesus! Jesus Take this Heart of Mine, Make it Pure and Wholly Thine. You have Bled and Died for Me; I Will Henceforth Live for Thee! 27