Modern Councillors IN Salford Elected Members Innovation Fund.


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Presentation transcript:

Modern Councillors IN Salford Elected Members Innovation Fund

Finding Motivation Leader selected IT champion. Some have greatness thrust upon them. Others are just thrust upon! No history – Clean slate Council to makes savings, why not councillors? Desire to be better, to better serve. Modern councillors!

The Project

Pulling a team together Cross party Officers Divide & Conquer! Bigger than just IT Allow access to new info. Training key.

Outcomes Delivered councillor portal Delivered case management Training given ALL leaders backing replaced with a “Blog” Saved around 18k PA Unable to deliver any E-democracy. (New legislation comes into effect 15/06/10)

Screenshot 1 – Case Manage

Screenshot 2 – Case Manage

Screen Shot – Members Portal 1

Screen Shot – Members Portal 2

Screen Shot Members Portal 3

Screen Shot – Observatory 1

Screen Shot – Observatory 2

Screen Shot - Blogs

Lessons learned Bit off more than I could chew? E- democracy? We need to learn a new way to engage. We need to evolve & adapt. BUT…. Access for all Don’t lose sight, this is for the citizens. Others think like I do, I am, you are, not alone.

Advice Start to get ready for the future. Invest to save? Consult with young members Recruit younger members. Look for resources in other councils. We are never alone in this type of thinking. Lots of resources. This YOUR agenda. Take the lead, ask the officers to recommend on your wish list! I have said it before, you are NOT alone!

The Future? E-democracy – Finish petitions & surveys Council meetings – YouTube, streamed live? Community meetings – Streamed live? Tweets? Interactive sessions? (Silver surfers are here!!) E-surgeries? Busy lives Opportunity to make a small impact on “worklessness.” Opportunity for partnerships with other L.A’s and procurement savings! Councillor NVQ – Does not mean a good councillor! More funding required! Looking for resources.