Term: 1011A Dates: 3/3/11 ; Unit 1 Seminar Course Number/Section: IT133 – 25 Course Title: Software Applications Credit Hours: 5 Prerequisites: None COURSE INFORMATION
INSTRUCTOR AND SEMINAR INFORMATION Instructor Name and Credentials: Victor Smolensky, MS Kaplan Address: Office Hours ID: Office Hours (EST): Thursdays, (7:30 – 9:30) PM Seminar Day and Time (EST): Thursdays, (10 – 11) PM
COURSE MATERIALS Textbook Information Title: Software Applications Author: Gauer, et. Al. ISBN: Bundle #: Publisher: Pearson Bundled: 180 day free trial of Office 2010 Software Requirements Microsoft Office Professional 2007 /2010 Instant Messenger or MS Communicator : (for visiting Prof during Office Hours)
Course Outcomes 1. Use the operating system to set preferences and manage files. 2. Create documents using word processing software. 3. Create spreadsheets and graphs basic spreadsheet software. 4. Create computer-generated, on-screen presentations. 5. Select application(s) to address solutions for a specific discipline.
Tutorial with Sound
Unit 1
Unit 1
MyITLAB : Logon Instructions in the Doc Sharing Area
IT 133 Software Applications WORD GAME
IT 133 Software Applications Shortcut?
IT 133 Software Applications Shortcut? “An icon push button, typically placed on the desktop that allows you to quickly access a program, file or folder.” (Windows 7 Glossary, 2010)
IT 133 Software Applications Spyware?
IT 133 Software Applications Spyware? “Any software that covertly gathers user information through the user’s Internet connection without his or her knowledge.” (Windows 7 Glossary, 2010)
IT 133 Software Applications Gadget?
IT 133 Software Applications Gadget? “ A little always-on Windows desktop program such as the Performance Speed or the Clock” (Windows 7 Glossary, 2010)
IT 133 Software Applications File Extension?
IT 133 Software Applications File Extension? “A 3 or 4 digit suffix to a filename that tells Windows what program should open the file.” (Windows 7 Glossary, 2010)
Unit 1
Unit 1 Assignment Read the assignment pdf in the assignment area Install Microsoft Office 2007\2010 on your computer. You must have: MS WORD MS EXCEL MS POWERPOINT
Unit 1 Assignment Step 1 You are required to use Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010 for this class. So you must have MS Office installed on your computer. In this step you will verify you have Microsoft office 2007 or 2010 installed and available on your computer. Take a screenshot of the “This product is licensed to” information in to your Unit 1 MS Word document you are creating for this assignment.
The Screen Shot Make the screen the active screen ( cursor active in the screen) Hold Down CTL+ALT and Click on Print Screen Go to MS Word Hold down CTL and press the V key ( or right click and paste) Alternate Method: Windows 7 Sniping Tool
Unit 1 Assignment Step 2 For one of the two scenarios given: In expanded view (all folders open so we can see what is inside each folder) 1 main folder At least 2 sub‐folders within the main folder At least 1 item in one of the sub‐folders
Unit 1 Assignment Scenario 1: Setting up a file structure for your IT133 course
Unit 1 Assignment Scenario 2: Setting up a file structure for your family files
Unit 1 Assignment Requirement Save your MS Word document as Unit_1_lastname (ie. Unit_1_Smith) Submit to the Unit 1 project dropbox no later than 11:59PM (EST) Tuesday night.
IT 133 Software Applications References Windows 7 Glossary (2010) Retrieved from 7-glossary.html 7-glossary.html
IT 133 Software Applications Wrap Up 1.Meet your objectives 2.Take away new knowledge 3.HAVE FUN !
IT 133 Software Applications Q & A ??