Spatial Analysis Workshop In-Class Exercise Tuesday, December 11, 2012
1.Start ArcMap 10 with an empty map. Press the Add Data button and establish a connection to the folder: \MCH Epi\Birth Defects Data\ 2. Add to the Layers table of contents (TOC) the following shapefile: Florida_Zip_Codes_BD_2008 and the World_Topo_Layer Cross check the map display window with the screenshot below
3. Generate a thematic map classifying the zip codes in Florida into 6 classes according to the attribute BD_Risk. The values assigned to the attribute BD_Risk are the 2008 overall birth defect risk per 1000 live births in each Florida zip code. Cross check it with the screenshot below.
4. Determine Hot Spots for the overall birth defects risks. Cross-check it with the screen shot below. The hot spot tool is accessed from the Geoprocessing menu, select ArcToolbox, then Spatial Statistics and then Mapping Clusters toolset.
5.Run an ordinary least square (OLS) regression model to determine if median age is statistically significantly associated with the risk for birth defects. The OLS tool is in the Model Spatial Relationship toolset of the Spatial Statistics tools. Interpret the results.
5.Use Moran’s I to test for spatial autocorrelation among the residuals of this OLS regression. Moran’s I tool is in the Analyzing Patterns toolset of the Spatial Statistics Tool. What is your conclusion?
Moran’s I Report
6.Conduct a Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) with median age as predictor for the overall birth defects risk. Use an adaptive kernel and the AICc bandwith method. Generate a thematic map of the local betas. The GWR tool is in the Model Spatial Relationship toolset of the Spatial Statistics tools. Interpret the results.
Residuals Betas
7.Use Moran’s I to test for spatial autocorrelation among the residuals of this GWR model. Recall that Moran’s I tool is in the Analyzing Patterns toolset of the Spatial Statistics Tool. What is your conclusion?
Moran’s I Report
8.We are going to repeat these analyses but for the risk of Down Syndrome (DS) per 1000 live births. We will start by adding a new attribute called DS_Risk of floating type. Then using the Arc Calculator determine the risk per 1000 live births for each zip code. Right click on the shapefile Florida_Zip_Codes_BD_2008 and select open attribute table (left screenshot) from the context menu. From the table menu select Add Field (right screenshot)
9.Populate the Add Field dialog as illustrated with the left screenshot below. Scroll to the right until you find the DS_Risk column name. Move the cursor on top of the name until it changes into a drop arrow. Right click on the name and select Field Calculator from the context menu (right screenshot).
10. Populate the Field Calculator dialog as shown below. The input attributes in the equation can be ‘pulled down’ by double clicking on the attribute from the Fields panel listing them
11. Repeat the ‘hot spot’, OLS and GWR analyses using the risk for DS as analysis outcome. Discussion in class. 12.Conduct an OLS and GWR analyses using as predictors for the overall risk for Birth Defects in Florida: maternal median age, percent male infants, and percent of maternal high school education. Discussion in class. 13. Illustration on the use of GeoDa for spatial rates smoothers