Costantini Alessandro INFN - IGI MPI-VT within EGI 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore1
Virtual Team 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore2 Activity established within the EGI-InSPIRE project - user engagement activity - started in 2011 Based on two key elements Virtual Team framework NGI International Liaisons
Virtual Team 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore3 Virtual Team framework: The Virtual Team framework enables NGI and persons to initiate and participate in short living projects (Virtual Team projects) that focus on well defined, non-operational activities around the production infrastructure.
Virtual Team 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore4 NGI International Liaisons: The interaction between the NGI teams and on non- operational activities is undertaken through an "NGI International Liaisons"(NILs in short), who are responsible within the NGIs for the delivery and interaction of non-operational tasks.
MPI-VT: General informations -Leader: Alvaro Simon (CESGA, Spain) Zdenek Sustr (CESNET, Czech Republic) -Start Date: 10/Nov/2011 -End Date: 31/May/ /03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore5
Motivations Despite a dedicated SA3 activity to support MPI there still seem to be significant issues in uptake and satisfaction amongst the user communities. This VT -Works with user communities and projects that use MPI resources -Improve the communication between MPI users and developers of MPI support within EGI SA3. 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore6
CZ: Zdenek Sustr (leader) ES/IBERGRID: Alvaro Simon (leader), Enol Fernandez, Iván Díaz, Alvaro Lopez, Pablo Orviz, Isabel Campos, Roberto Rosende Dopazo GR: Dimitris Dellis, Marios Chatziangelou, Paschalis Korosoglou HR: Emir Imamagic, Luko Gjenero IE: John Walsh IT: Daniele Cesini, Alessandro Costantini, Vania Boccia, Marco Bencivenni PT: Gonçalo Borges SK: Viera Sipkova, Viet Tran, Jan Astalos UK: John Gordon Gergely Sipos, Karolis Eigelis, Tiziana Ferrari, Peter Solagna Members 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore7
Tasks Task 1: MPI documentation Task 2: Nagios probes Task 3: Information system Task 4: Accounting system Task 5: Batch system status Task 6: Gather information from MPI sites 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore8
Task 1: MPI documentation Review EGI documentation - Unser guide -Admin Guide 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore9
Task 2: Nagios probes Review the current nagios probes MPI nagios new specifications: - org.sam.mpi.EnvSanityCheck -- Test the information published by the (MPI or Parallel) service GlueCEPolicyMaxSlotsPerJob - org.sam.mpi.SimpleJob -- Test the MPI functionality with a minimum set of resources (CpuNumber = 2; NodeNumber=2) - org.sam.mpi.ComplexJob -- Test the MPI functionality ( CpuNumber = 4; NodeNumber=2; SMPGranularity=2; WholeNodes=True) 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore10
Task 3: Information system - detecting MPI resources MaxSlotsPerJobs (GLUE2) value is not filled by the current LRMS Information Providers cput = Maximum amount of CPU time used by all processes in the job pcput = Maximum amount of CPU time used by any single process in the job walltime = Maximum amount of real time during which the job can be in the running state. 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore11
Task 4: Accounting system -Implement MPI accounting system No special accounting up to date - Contact with APEL and Accounting Portal 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore12
Task 5: Batch system status -Two bugs were found during the first UMD verification of WN/Torque + EMI-MPI.1.0. Is a torque/maui problem that affects all MPI jobs. Maui versions prior to do not allocate correctly all the nodes for the job execution -IGI has presented a possible workaround to the problem for Maui versions prior to Bug fixed in EMI1-IGI (full fixed in EMI2) 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore13
Task 6: Gather information from MPI sites -MPI VO -- bring together sites and users interested in MPI -This VO is NOT intended for everyday use by all users wishing to use MPI -This VO IS intended for users who wish to cooperate with the VT to make MPI support in EGI better -The main reason for its establishment is to collect experience that will be later adopted by regular VOs 23/03/2012Costantini A. – MPI-Multicore14