National Rural Network Poland
Main Objectives The aim of the National Network of Rural Areas is to support the implementation and evaluation of the policy in the field of rural development, as well as identify, analyse, distribute and exchange of information and expertise in this field among all stakeholders at the local, regional, national and Community levels.
NRN Structure
Flow of information scheme Gmina, Village administration Paying Agency, Voivodship Self-government Scientific institutes Advisory centres Agricultural chambers Others Other Prospect beneficiaries European Network for Rural Development Beneficiaries Regional Coordinators Secretariat (National Network Unit) District administration NGOsLAGs
Role of National/Regional Units Ensure general animation Organise initiatives related to rural development Facilitate the work of rural actors and discussion Identify best practices (support transfer and development) Ensure the coherence and synergy of taken activities
National Rural Network- Action Plan Identification and analysis of good transferable practices and the provision of information about them Technical assistance for Inter-territorial and transnational cooperation Preparation of training programmes for local action groups In the process of formation Organisation of exchanges of experience and know-how Network management
Activities (not obligatory) Technical assistance for inter-institutional cooperation Spreading of information on possible instruments supporting rural development (integrated projects/other funds) Detailed activities included in Action Plan
National Rural Network Web portal Thematic working groups Analyses, expertises Publications Bulletins leaflets Activities taken to run the Evaluation Network Preparation of training programmes for local action groups In the process of formation Dissemination of information on rural development Seminars Analyses, expertises Trainings Good practice identification Know how transfer Activities Tools
NRN budget EUR. 20% creation and maitenance of NRN 80% Action Plan