EMC/Iomega TZO Portal Addendum to TZO Troubleshooting By Erik Collett
Iomega Confidential 2 EMC/Iomega TZO Portal Overview Contents of this Presentation: What is the EMC/Iomega TZO Portal? Introduction to the Portal –Logging into the Portal –Finding your way around –Looking up Customer’s information How to use Customer information to Troubleshoot Remote Access issues
Iomega Confidential 3 What is the EMC/Iomega TZO Portal? TZO had a backoffice tool that will allow Agents and ASG members to look up Customer DDNS entries on TZO’s DNS Servers. This is a simple process to check if a Customer’s WAN or External IP address is updating correctly and remaining in contact with the Iomega Device that the Domain Name is assigned to. Note: We will be setting up a specific account for Call Center Agents that will be delivered separate from this training.
Iomega Confidential 4 Introduction to the EMC/Iomega TZO Portal The portal is secured via HTTPS and can be accessed by any web browser. – –To Login: Use the username and password provided to you, Tier 3 Agents may have more advanced access than Tier 1 and 2 Agents, however this will not affect your ability to use this tool for troubleshooting. IMPORTANT! For Navigation: Use the >> buttons in the lower right corner for navigation and for executing a search. Using the browser buttons or just pressing enter to submit forms may cause unexpected results.
Iomega Confidential 5 EMC/Iomega TZO Portal Login Logging into the TZO Portal Enter the login and password that has been provided to your group to perform customer lookups.
Iomega Confidential 6 Checking the DDNS Entry When first logging into the support account, you will see the option: Find DDNS Information: Allows searching on Domain, , TZO Key and IP Address. Once an account is found, clicking on the account will bring the user into the account screen. To Search: You can use “%” as a wildcard. If you wish to find all addresses at Iomega.com, search on and enter in “%Iomega.com” and click “Next >>>”. To search all s that begin with Bob, search on and enter in bob% and click next. Screenshot on next page
Iomega Confidential 7 Find DDNS Information Search Example Search: This will return all domain names ending with “Iomega.com”.
Iomega Confidential 8 DDNS Account View - Page 1 This is the DDNS Account view. Once an account is found, clicking on the account will bring you to the account information screen shown here:
Iomega Confidential 9 DDNS Account View - Page 2 The TZO DDNS Account View shows the following information: –The MAC address –TZO Web Forwarding If enabled, the forwarding URL will show up, blank means this is not used –The Service and Expiration This shows services available on the account and the expiration date for those services