Additional Ppt
On slide 3 make the title this question: Is it snowing? In the text section type Yes (enter) No Select the word yes, on the Insert Tab, Links, choose Action. Choose Hyperlink to next slide. On slide 4 type “You are correct. Continue” Select (you are correct. Continue) and insert hyperlink to slide 5 On slide 3 hyperlink No to slide 6
Title Text
Type “Is it raining?” on slide 5 title.
Type “So what is the weather?” on slide 6 Title
On slide 8 change the title to “this is a movie” Choose the movie icon Navigate to the Funny Gazelle movie and Insert The movie will be selected Click on Video Tools, Playback Choose Start Automatically and Play Full Screen
Open the Internet to our webpage Go to slide 10 and Click on Insert, Screenshot And choose our webpage
On slide 12, choose Insert, Illustrations, SmartArt Choose the first list choice Type one, two, three, four, five for the text With the SmartArt selected, choose the tab SmartArt Tools, and choose a design and format.
Insert Date and Time on your slides from the Insert Tab in the Text Group Apply to All Insert a footer for your school and name from Insert, Header and Footer,
Save your ppt as Ppt Tools-Your Name