ASHHRA Leadership Conference April 24-25, 2008 ASHHRA Advocacy Committee Update
Advocacy Committee Update Role of the National Advocacy Committee Review of Proposed Federal Legislation Raising our Voices – Advocacy at the State Level
Your National Advocacy Committee Committee Charge The Advocacy Committee monitors national and state legislative and labor developments and researches, develops, and promotes advocacy programs that represent the interests of the membership, human resources professionals, and the healthcare industry.
Your National Advocacy Committee Committee Members: Les Abercrombie, Chair Mike Paruta (Region 1) Marcia Telthorster (Region 2) Val Short (Region 3) James Parsons (Region 4) Doug Jontz (Region 5) Steve Hodges (Region 6) Emily Mouser (Region 7) Pamela Drake (Region 8) Gail Blanchard-Saiger (Region 9) Roger King (At-Large) Staff Liaison: Stephanie Drake Staff Liaison: Cathy Sewell AHA Liaison: Carla Luggiero Federal Advocacy Hill Visit Service to members Support to Chapters Model the ASHHRA leader competencies
Proposed Legislation Employee Card Check / Employee Free Choice Act An amendment to the National Labor Relations Act that would eliminate the employee’s right to a private ballot election to determine union representation. Employers would be required to recognize the union on the basis of a majority of employees in their bargaining unit having signed an authorization card. It would also require federally-mandated binding arbitration if a contract isn’t reached in 90 days. Increased penalties for violations Status: Passed the House. Stalled in Senate. Insufficient support to override a threatened veto by President Bush. Legislation on hold.
Proposed Legislation Nurse Education / Workforce Funding $156.4 million for nursing programs, an increase of $6.4 million over 2007 spending. This is spread over 11 different federal agencies. Current fiscal year – October Underlying authority has to renew every five years Congress will need to reauthorize ASHHRA / AHA advocated $200 M Status: Signed into law.
Proposed Legislation Mandatory Staffing Ratios Similar to California’s state law, this would mandate staffing ratios for Registered Nurses. Require hospitals to collaboratively develop staffing plans. Why is there a shortage? Status: Legislation introduced.
Proposed Legislation Definition of a Supervisor – RESPECT Act An amendment to the National Labor Relations Board definition of “supervisor” by eliminating “responsibly directing” and “assigning” other employees. This would address the issue of Charge Nurses as supervisors. Also requires supervisors to spend 51% on most of their time doing daily administrative tasks. Status: Legislation pending.
Proposed Legislation Americans with Disabilities Act Revisions An expansion of the ADA, to include temporary and minor disabilities. Disability is considered as an “impairment.” Shifts the burden of proof to the employer to show the employee is not impaired. Status: Legislation pending; likely to pass the House.
Proposed Legislation Immigration Political hot potato Skilled Healthcare workers Status: ASHHRA and AHA are investigating ways to streamline the system for well-qualified, internationally- educated healthcare professionals to come to the U.S.
Proposed Legislation Workforce Verification An employment eligibility verification system offered through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Available through a private vendor. Status: Legislation Pending
Raising Our Voices - Advocacy at the Chapter/State Level Educating, Persuading, Producing Educating members of your state legislation Persuading policy-makers to respond to your concerns. Producing a specific agenda and/or public policy which will benefit our patients.
Advocacy at the State Level Build a Legislative and Labor Subcommittee Through Your State Chapter: Bylaws Identify a champion Develop the committee Survey the membership Create goals and objectives Develop a list of legislators with contact information Work through your state association Keep membership updated through the Web site / alerts Give the members the tools they need to communicate with the legislators.
Fundamentals of Advocacy Identify key resources Review proposed bill Identify representatives Mobilize membership
Identify Key Resources Newspapers & Magazines Television Radio Professional Journals Local Chambers of Commerce Legislators’ Web sites & Mailings Local Business Associations State Association Updates Your Hospital or System Government Affairs Officer
Additional Advocacy Resources National resources: ASHHRA American Hospital Association State resources: Your State Hospital Association Your State Legislature Your State ASHHRA Chapter Your State and Local Chambers of Commerce
Review the Proposed Bill Ohio Staffing Plan Bill of 2007
Identify Representatives
Mobilizing the Membership Inform the membership Put the process in motion!
Raise Our Voices! Be aware of legislative issues! Familiarize yourself with the Advocacy Process Work collaboratively with your state hospital association. Get involved!
Raise Our Voices! Be aware of legislative issues! Familiarize yourself with the Advocacy Process Work collaboratively with your state hospital association. Get involved!