STOP! Him!!! “Aargh!! The evil weather wizard is casting a spell again, its a tornado!! Take cover!! Someone needs to stop that evil weather wizard, but who?” A voice from the back of the crowd bellowed “I will stop him!” the boy came forward, everybody looking at him, they couldn't believe that Sullivan was taking the quest. That was the only thing Sully could remember about home, but he had to focus on his quest now. Sully came out of his little village, that was under treat by the evil weather wizard, and started to head for Doom Mountain were he was to start his quest. When he got to Doom Mountain he didn’t expect what he saw. Doom Mountain was massive it was as big as a skyscraper. “ wow!!” he didn’t climb he was clever and walked around and around the mountain when Augustus, who was Sully's pet red kite who was like sully very clever. Augustus started to wobble and sway from side to side on Sully’s shoulder and he fell of with a “bang” Sully was very upset he Nelly cried but the Cyclops troll stop him in his tracks, the Cyclops troll was a big Cyclops troll but he defied that loser,he put Augustus on his shoulder and ran up the Mountain and saw four Mountains they were north, south east and west he pick the..... North south eastNorth southeast
NORTH.2 As Sullivan lumbered away from Doom Mountain, he found himself in a swamp. A big, sloppy, murky swamp. He saw a rowing boat just right in front of him. Sully hopped into the boat, he started rowing. “ WHAT WAS THAT? Said Sully, in shock. Then as quick as a flash! A Triffod got hold of his leg. Aagh! He shouted. The Triffod dragged him down into the water. When suddenly Augustus, Sully ’ s red kite companion, came swooping in from the sky, and scratched one of the Triffods tentacle off. Sullivan grabbed a dagger out of his pocket and sliced the Triffods jugular! Slime and sludge coved the whole of the swamp. Sully heaved to get out. When he finally got out, there before him were three sparkling caves one made of gold, one made of silver and one made of granite. He went into the one nearest to him. Granite, Gold, Silver
As Sullivan was walking he could see a mysterious recorder on a stone so he picked it up and he played it. He felt funny he went silent for a few seconds. Then he could see a strange temple so Sully and Augustus went inside to check it out strange shouting and cheering came out what is going on they thought? He heard someone call his name. It turned out he was part of a gladiator tournament against the world ’ s top gladiators oh no what was Sullivan going to do? Should he fight or just give up? Everyone was cheering for him “ Apparently the prize is a harp a magical harp ”. A voice whispered, it was the gladiator of doom. He is the best gladiator in the world there is no way the gladiator of doom can ever be beaten. Sully had to fight to the death, any minute now. They took a step forward 1, 2, 3 go! The man angrily paced forward then attacked. Sullivan quickly he held his shield up. The sword got stuck in his shield. Nervously he got his dagger and threw it as quick as a flash he was dead. They gave him the harp because he won so he played it he saw the three caves GraniteGranite, Silver and GoldSilverGold
CHAPTER 2 SOUTH CHAPTER 2 SOUTHCHAPTER 2 SOUTH CHAPTER 2 SOUTH As sully stepped through the south noisy passageway he wonder what the sound was he took one more and saw a massive no scrap that word gigantic rainforest it had: monkeys, birds, snakes, frogs, lemurs and beautiful butterflies he was speechless but he had to get on with his quest. Step by step he steadily walked to the nearest tree, when he finally got to the tree, about 5 minutes, he sat down in his head it said come on you have got a quest to do, and in his leg nerves it said come on lets have a lie down, he felt very sleepy therefore he went to sleep. 4 hours later he awaked to a splash on his face he sat up confused he slowly started to bring his feet to the floor he finally got to stand up he saw a river with crocodiles he had to get across so he looked around and saw a boat only a little boat he said to himself he quietly jumped into the boat which was red and very getting on a bit so he was putting his life into it, he started to paddle the crocodiles where getting nearer and nearer then suddenly the boat made a sort of trumping noise it was very loud that it awaked the crocodiles one crocodile attacked him “AARGGHH!!!!” the crocodile was the daddy one but sully was lookey because he had a sword in his pocket he chopped the left leg of the crocodile which was make a rainfall of blood, he dived down to the bottom to be safe but then he saw a hole he jumped through it, he got through and saw some caves there were four caves Granite Gold Granite Gold silversilver
The silver cave.3 Elegantly Sully traipsed into the silver cave, in front of him was a mine truck. He jumped into the mine truck. It suddenly started to move forwards. It started to get fast, Suddenly it was speeding like a cheetah. A massive bulky character was in the background, it came closer and closer and closer. Until it got so close that he crashed into the bulky character. The character was ten ft tall, had extremely sharp teeth and the longest tail that Sully had ever seen in his life. He had a bit of croc in him though, thought Sullivan. Then it spoke “ I ’ m killer croc and I ’ ll feast on your bones! ” Sully was shocked like a bush baby. He slowly took out his sword whilst trembling with fear. Killer croc swooped his claws at Sully ’ s face, AGGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!! He screeched he now had a huge scar in the middle of his face. It seriously hurt. But he shrugged it off and stood up brave. He got his sword and sliced killer crocs leg off. Killer croc let out a bellowing roar!! As he tumbled to the ground in agony. Sully stabbed Killer croc in the middle of his chest, with his sword. “ Who ’ s feasting on who ’ s bone now, bog breath! ” Then there before him where three gateways. One had the symbol of rain, a, symbol of wind and a symbol of sunshine. He went into the one next to him. Sunshine Wind Sunshine Wind and RainRain
The 3 rd part of his quest was to find the gold ring. Sully had to get there first though. “ How are we going to get there ” ? Said Augustus, his red kite. They followed the forest of the dead Sullivan saw a keypad, he got a card out of his pocket and swiped it, but it said access denied. “ Oh no what were they going to do? ” August squawked “ ” he typed it in. “ Access granted ”. Inside was a massive cave of pure gold. At the far back he could see a shiny ring it was glowing. Sully went and picked it up. There was a strange symbol on the side of it. What were they? It turned out to be the magical ring he was looking for. Suddenly it spoke it said “ I will grant you three wishes so use them wisely ” he wished he was at the weather wizards spooky castle then the ring transported him to the wizards castle LET THE WAR BEGIN! SunshineSunshine, Rain and WindRainWind
CHAPTER 3 GRANTIECHAPTER 3 GRANTIECHAPTER 3 GRANTIECHAPTER 3 GRANTIE As he strolled through the old battered granite cave he saw some mine trucks, he walked towards the mine trucks he looked it them and saw a very ugly monster it was green, round and it looked like a baby monster. Sully looked around terrifyingly to find the big monster standing right in front of him roaring as loud as the monster could Sully quickly jumped into the second mine truck to find another baby monster in it but it was blue and square he tried to lift it the monster out but it was to heavy the big monster was running after sully he tried to race against it was to fast for him the monster crabbed the mine truck and pulled it on to the floor, the wheels where sparking on the rails “aargh don’t eat me!!!” the monster crabbed sully and.... Dropped him on the floor the monster picked the baby monster up and trampled all over sully. Sully in pain his arm was bruised and his leg was bruised as well he got up and got in the mine truck very gradually he raided down the rails but sully was so tried he went fast a sleep. he awaked to three doors. SunshineSunshine, wind and rain wind rain
CHAPTER 4 WINDCHAPTER 4 WIND As Sully rushed through the snow he fell down a hole and fell on the floor he tried to get up but he couldn’t get up because the blizzard was so strong he had to crawl he knew the evil weather wizard was near because the weather was so strong. Sully and his red kite Augustus who was asleep, crawl to safety they where under a metal roof when they heard a roar sully pocked his head out and saw a yeti he got his slingshot and killed it. Sully ran to anywhere he could find. Bang he crashed into something big very big it looked like the evil weather wizard castle he looked inside and saw the weather wizard standing there it was good against evil this is the big chance to make himself a hero and bang his slingshot knock the evil weather wizard out and he stranded on the step and he got transport to his village every crating “sully, sully” his mum and bro came up to him and said. WELL DONE YOU ARE A, HERO
Sunshine.4 He marched through the sunshine gateway. And there right in front of him was the weather wizard! But then he suddenly had a vision, it was the tribe. His fiends, oh no, NO! “ What are you doing to them? ” “ I am afraid I can ’ t tell you that, Sullivan. Said the weather wizard. “ Tell me now! ” exclaimed Sully Suddenly sully saw a gleaming catapult next to him. He picked it up, it wasn ’ t any old catapult, this was the legendary sunshine catapult. He fired one of the fire balls, it hit the wizards ’ hat, and his magic had gone; now he had the chance to stop him. He took one of the fire balls and fired it directly at the wizards ’ tummy. The wizard was defeated. Gory was returned to his tribe. 5 hours later..... “ What a hero ” “ Will you marry me ” “ whoo hoo ” Sully ’ s tribe loved him now, unlike before the quest, everybody used to hate him. They all used to like his spoilt older sister Delia. He got a big golden medal for serving his tribe. Now he’s a well known hero.
As Sullivan was walking up the steps he could hear thunder but it wasn ’ t raining it must be the weather wizard casting another spell and it ’ s a mean one it ’ s a hyper hurricane. So he crept up the steps suddenly he could hear the Minotaur army RAW ! There was a Minotaur heading straight for him. Oh no what was he going to do? He was in great trouble. Quickly he hid behind a bunch of pillars. Suddenly the weather wizard came behind him “ Well well well what do we have here? ” said the evil wizard “ you ’ re going down boy no one can beat me not even you mu ha ha ” “ you ’ re not going down that easily wizard ” before you could say kapow the weather went absolutely wild. It changed to a deadly tornado and it was heading straight for sully quickly he wished for a flood to drown the wizard “ your wish is my command ” said the ring. Bang then he was dead now he wished he was back home “ you have used all of your wishes fair well young man ” “ good bye ” said Sullivan, everything was back to normal well almost.