Coral Reef
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Where’s the reef? Reef Features Vocabulary Nothing here today Coral Features RANDOM
The largest reef in the world is located where? A 100
Australia A 100
Where in the northern hemisphere would you find a coral reef? A 200
Off the coast of Belize or Andros Island A 200
Where would you be most likely to find an atoll? A 300
Tropical Pacific ocean around a sunk volcano A 300
No question here A 400
Pick another one already A 400
Explain the development of an atoll A 500
Coral grows up toward the sun on the sides of a receeding volcano. The coral continues to grow up as the volcano descends
The reef area is dominated by what type of fish? B 100
predator B 100
What creatures contribute to the structure of the reef? B 200
Mollusc shells, Echinoderms, Calcareous algae B 200
What 2 types of tissues are necessary for movement? B 300
Muscle and nerve B 300
Name three environmental conditions necessary for coral to survive. B 400
High light intensity Clear water Salt water Warm water ≥ 65 F B 400
Explain the development of a Barrier reef from a Fringing Reef. B 500
The Fringing reef exists close to shore. Over time, the coral’s seaward edge grows towards the open ocean. The Barrier reef is formed at the edge of the continental shelf. A lagoon forms between the reef’s trailing edge and the land
C 100 Name the stinging cells found on the tentacles of a Cnidarian
Nematocysts C 100
Name for the larva structure of a cnidarian that is the result of sexual reproduction. C 200
planula C 200
Name the type of symmetry that a coral or jellyfish possess. C 300
radial C 300
Name for the type of algae found in the tissues of a coral animal C 400
GOLDEN ALGAE gets you half credit ZOOXANTHELLA E gets you full credit C 400
Here’s an easy one Name the type of reef that is close to the shoreline? C 500
Fringing Reef C 500
D 100 What type of rock is formed by the accumulation of dead coral ?
D 200 Soft corals are composed of this material (just like your finger nails)
D 200 Keratin
What other animals besides coral possess algae in their tissues? D 300
Sea Slugs and Jellyfish D 300
Name and describe the area behind the reef but in front of the land. D 400
Channel Calm, shallow, warm D 400
Name the three tissue layers in the body of a coral D 500
Ectoderm or (gastroderm), mesoglea and endoderm
E 100 What is the minimum temperature for coral to survive?
68 F or 20 C E 100
E 200 Name another member of the phylum to which corals belong
Jellyfish, Sea Anemone, hydra E 200
Name the scientist who described the evolution of the atoll. E 300
Charles Darwin E 300
Name the shape of a Cnidarian in which the mouth faces up. E 400
polyp E 400
Name three “things” that the coral provides as a host to the algae living in its tissues. E 500
Carbon dioxide Protection nitrogen E 500
What are the two possible destinations for the food that is absorbed by the gut? F 100
Respiration and growth F 100
If 1,347 g/hr is absorbed by the gut of an animal and 900 g/hr is used in respiration… then how many g/hr. goes to growth? F 200
447 g/hr. F 200
F 300 A whale shark has GROWTH EFFICIENCY of 13%. Is that good, average or bad? Explain.
13% would be could good because the average absorption efficiency is 10% F 300
Is an animal ingests 900kg/day and 395 kg/day are absorbed, what is the ABSORPTION EFFICIENCY? F 400
395/900 X 100 = 43.8%
Solve for growth and absorption efficiencies. F 500 Food Food Indigestible Ingested Absorbed 3,121 g/hr = 820 g/hr g/hr growth respiration 222g/hr 598 g/hr
F / 3,121 x 100 = 7.1% G E 820/3,121 x 100 = 26.2% AE
The Final Jeopardy Category is: What’s my life? Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
How would the behavior of pelagic and benthic organisms differ based on where they live? Click on screen to continue
Pelagic organisms must swim to fight gravity. Benthic organism rest on the bottom and may need to burrow. Click on screen to continue
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