Practice for Biology Lab Exam 1
Identify the Structure Below. What purpose does it serve?
Identify the Structure Below. What purpose does it serve? What structure is contained Inside?
Identify the Structure Below. What purpose does it serve?
Identify the Structures Below. What purpose do they serve? Male or Female?
What Group does this plant below to? (Angiosperm, Gymnosperm, Bryophyte, Fern)
Is this a Plant Cell or an Animal Cell? Identify it. Does it have a cell wall? Does it have a cell membrane?
Is this a Plant Cell or an Animal Cell? Does it have a cell wall? Does it have a cell membrane? What is the structure at the tip of the arrow?
Label the Parts of a Microscope.
Which of These Plants Require Water for Reproduction.
Which of These Plants Require Water for Reproduction? Which have Vascular Tissue? Which make seeds?
Name the Kingdoms in the Two Kingdom Classification System. Name the Kingdoms in the Five Kingdom Classification System. Name the Kingdoms in the Six Kingdom Classification System.
What Kingdom to these organisms belong?
Identify the following organism. What kingdom is it in? What structure does it use for movement? What is another term for movement?
Identify the following organism. What kingdom is it in? What structure does it use for motility?
The circle below represents the microscopic field of view. Each line represents a line on a mm ruler. How large is my field of view?
As I move from low power to high power my field of view _________. Low Power High Power
Assume this is a cell you are viewing through the microscope. If my diameter is 0.5 mm, what size is my cell?
Identify the Organism. What Kingdom is it in? What Genus is it Found in?
Identify the Organism. What Kingdom is it in? It is Heterotrophic or Autotrophic?
Identify the Organism. What is the structure at the end of the pointer? What Kingdom is it in?
What shape are the following bacteria? What arrangement are they in? Are they gram+ or gram-? What kingdom are they in?
What shape are the following bacteria? What arrangement are they in? What kingdom are they in?
What shape are the following bacteria? Are they gram positive or gram negative?
Radial or Bilateral Symmetry?
Radial or Bilateral Symmetry? Monocot or Dicot? How Many Stamen? How Many Petals? How Many Pistils?
Monocot or Dicot?
Which is the Monocot and which is the Dicot?
Monot or Dicot?
Monocot or Dicot?
What do we call an aggregate of many flowers? What two types of flowers are present here?
How many sepals? How many petals? Monocot or Dicot?
Assume I am trying to see if increasing the amount of sugar in a yeast bread recipe will increase the rate of rising. I will bake one loaf of bread with the normal amount of sugar and one loaf of bread with increased sugar and check the height of each. What is my null hypothesis? What is my alternate hypothesis?
There will be no statistically significant difference in ______________ due to _____________.
Chi Square I checked my 3-head lawn sprinkler system to make sure it was watering my rectangular background evenly. I divided my yard into three sections and measured the amount of water dispersed in a 30 minute period. Is there a significant difference in the amount of water each section is receiving?
Data: Section 1 40 mm Section 2 35 mm Section 3 42 mm
Table Section Observed Expected (O-E) (O-E) 2 (O-E) 2 / E Total ____ X 2 = _______
What is my Critical Value? df p=
Do I Accept or Reject My Null Hypothesis? SALR Smaller = Accept Larger = Reject What was my Null Hypothesis?
Using the appropriate equation, determine the diameter of the field of view of a 75X objective.
Answer the following? What is a range between two extremes
Answer the following? A ___________ in an experiment is something that is able or liable to change.
Answer the following? What do we call the scale that measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance?
Answer the following? I can change from one objective to another with little adjustment because my microscope is _____________.
Answer the following? What type seeds do gymnosperms have?
My ocular is 10X. My objective is 75X. What is my total magnification?
My ocular is 10X. My objective is 60X. What is my total magnification?
Name a Dye or Stain Used in Lab to Stain Cells.
How do Prokaryotic Cells differ from Eukaryotic Cells? Prokaryotic Cells 1. Have NO _______________ 2. Have __________________
Identify the Kingdom for this Organism. Identify the Organism.
Identify the Kingdom for thess Organisms. Identify the Organisms.
The previous organism is composed of two organisms living in a symbiotic relationship. Name the two organisms.
Identify the Kingdom for this Organism. Identify the Organism.
Select the Animal with Radial Symmetry
Animal Phyla Porifera Cnidaria Platyhelminthes Nematoda Annelida Mollusca Arthropoda Echinodermata Chordata Body with Pores (Sponges) Stinging Cells (Jellyfish, Coral) Flat Worms (Tapeworm) Round Worms (Ascaris) Segmented Worms (Earthworm) Soft Body Hard Shell (Clams) External Skeleton (Insects) Spiny Skinned (Starfish) Backbone (Humans)
Name the Phylum for the Following Animals.
Name the Phylum for the Following Flatworms.
Name the Phylum for the Following Animals.
Name the Phylum for the Following Animal.
Name the Phylum for the Following Animals.
Animals can have two types of digestive systems – incomplete and complete. Incomplete 1. Porifera 2. Cnidaria 3. Platyhelminthes Complete 1. Nematoda 2. Mollusca 3. Annelida 4. Arthropoda 5. Echinodermata 6. Chordata
Pictured are 3 Animals. Which would have incomplete digestive systems?
Animals Can Be Classified as Protostomes or Deuterostomes Neither 1. Porifera 2. Cnidaria Protostomes 1. Platyhelminthes 2. Nematoda 3. Annelida 4. Arthropoda 5. Mollusca Deuterostomes 1. Echinodermata 2. Chordata
Animals are Pictured Below. Which one is a Protostome? Which one is a Deuterostome? Which one is neither?
Which of the following organisms have segmented bodies?
Phylum Arthropoda Contains Five Classes Insecta Arachnida Crustacean Chilopoda Diplopoda
In the taxonomic hierarchy, the following animal would be in class __________.
Phylum Chordata Contains Nuberous Classes Including… Aves Mammalia Reptilia Amphibia Chondrichthyes
In the taxonomic hierarchy, the following animal would be in class __________.
In the taxonomic hierarchy, the following would be in class __________.
Identify Each of the Following as to Whether they are Invertebrate or Vertebrate.
What is Wrong with the Following Graph?
Other Questions? What pH does an acid have? A base? What do we think is the ancestor of plants? Bacteria can be pathogenic. What does pathogenic mean? Name the two major types of vascular tissue in a plant.
Other Questions? What is the scientific method What is the Chi-square test? We never use the coarse adjustment knob on the microscope when we are using the ____ x objective. What is a division in the plant kingdom? Write the taxonomic hierarchy in order.
Other Questions? What is the female portion of a plant? What is the male portion of a plant? What is an incomplete plant? What is a complete plant? What is a frond? What is suggested by a scatter plot that has all the dots aligned in a horizontal row?