Update on Alignment kit and Stave 250 frame and thoughts for Stave 130 M.Gibson (RAL) 2/5/13 1 Status of the frame for stave 250 Status of infrastructure for stave 250 testing Stave 130 ‘stuff’
Status of Stave 250 Frame 2 Reminder of what the frame looks like Constraints a)Length (to fit in CERN freezer) b)Thickness ( to go with bridges) c)Thickness ( ‘cos of the DC/DC cans) d)Thickness (for ease of covers) e)Offsets for bridges f)Offsets for wire bonding g)Offsets for electrical reasons. h)Changes in length because of temperature excursions.
Stave 250 frame 3 Fixed ref grooves Spring loaded grooves Gas connections reference pin holes clamps walls Final Positioning of the walls can only happen after we receive the stave. This is because I have only got +- 1mm travel on adjusters and we have so far never had a stave that had a kapton that was the correct length.
Test box for stave 250 or similar 4 Double glazed window ( two sheet of polycarbonate) top base Cable/pipework entry and exit Fabricated from aluminium faced 19 mm thick foam. Edges sealed with epoxy or aluminium tape with electrically conductive glue.
5 Thermal break Foam seal
Layout for R12 6 Pipe entry Route (to stop any condensation dripping onto mains! Bottle regulator Access around both sides of box
On the current alignment system Upgrading the bridges by replacing one of the plastic components with ones of stainless steel.(done) Upgrading the vacuum jigs by preloading the balls that control the XY link between the top and bottom jigs. (Now tried using elastic bands so it needs to be ‘productionized) 7
For Stave Working on a new manual pick up jig Old version for modules with a large inter-hybrid gap New version for Modules with a small inter-hybrid gap Ready for gluing together Vacuum cups fit down the middle Awaiting vacuum cups ( same as previous design) Vacuum cup fit along the edges
New Transfer Jig Designing a new transfer jig to take the guesswork out of the aligning of the module to the vacuum jig. Same system as we used in previous version of ATLAS with retractable reference edges. 9
Homely statements about stave(lets) 130 in its various forms Some obvious statements…. 1)In the future since we are manufacturing both r-phi and uv stave(lets) we will need to make both styles of jigs. For this we will need to be sure just what the rotate actually is, and that means a set of drawings that we all agree to and manufacture to! 2)‘Official’ drawing effort will be required to update the existing module placement drawings or to make new ones as appropriate. 3) Need a decision about frames and the way forwards but ‘officially’ 10
New frame concept 11 1) By separating out the two frames we can progress faster. 2) By only adding the expensive items when needed we save money ‘cos you do not need so many. Expensive items 3) You still need the stave slider 4) The box is now very simple 5) The down side is that you can’t access both side at the same time 6) You need to move the stave from one to the other but you only need to do this once in production. And with core with C channels its not too difficult. 7) The handles need to be compatible with both frame types.