Thursday 1/31: Luther v. the Catholic Church Objective: Understand the significance of the Protestant Reformation as portrayed through Media Objective: Understand the significance of the Protestant Reformation as portrayed through Media Discussion Question: Martin Luther put his 95 Theses on a Church door to get attention. Where could you post information in today's world to get others to follow your cause? Discussion Question: Martin Luther put his 95 Theses on a Church door to get attention. Where could you post information in today's world to get others to follow your cause?
Luther v. the Catholic Church
Salvation: LUTHER: LUTHER: Justification by Faith -- Christ's sacrifice paid for all sins, and it is only necessary to believe in Jesus to be saved. Humans are saved by only by their faith. CHURCH: Both faith and good deeds (acts of devotion, charity, the sacraments, etc.) are necessary to be saved. May achieve salvation through purchasing of Indulgences
Performance of Sacramental Functions/Access to God: LUTHER: LUTHER: The priesthood of all Believers -- all believers have equal access to God and no other people stand between you and God. There are no special duties that belong to any particular class of people. The priesthood of all Believers -- all believers have equal access to God and no other people stand between you and God. There are no special duties that belong to any particular class of people. CHURCH: The Catholic Priests are Necessary: Only priests can correctly interpret the Bible and perform the sacraments necessary for salvation. Middle men are necessary.
Interpreting the Bible LUTHER: LUTHER: The Scriptures Are The Only True Words of God -- studying and understanding the Bible is therefore important to all believers. Translating the Bible into common languages and making it available to all is necessary. The Scriptures Are The Only True Words of God -- studying and understanding the Bible is therefore important to all believers. Translating the Bible into common languages and making it available to all is necessary. CHURCH: Only the priests of the church can correctly interpret the meaning of the Bible Bible only in Latin
Sacraments: LUTHER: LUTHER: The Bible Only Speaks of Two Sacraments: Baptism and Communion. The Bible Only Speaks of Two Sacraments: Baptism and Communion. CHURCH: There are Seven Sacraments: Baptism Eucharist (Communion) Confession of Sins Confirmation into the Church Marriage Holy Orders The Last Rites
“Luther” Today: Complete the Luther Stations Activity in order to get broad understanding of the significance of the Protestant Reformation Today: Complete the Luther Stations Activity in order to get broad understanding of the significance of the Protestant Reformation The film covers Luther's life from his becoming a monk in 1505 to the Diet of Augsburg in The film covers Luther's life from his becoming a monk in 1505 to the Diet of Augsburg in Watch for: Watch for: Luther’s reasons for change Luther’s reasons for change Corruption in the Church Corruption in the Church Indulgences Indulgences
Tomorrow in Class: Answer the questions on the back of the page using the chart and the video. Answer the questions on the back of the page using the chart and the video. #4 must include examples from the video! #4 must include examples from the video! Due on Friday at the end of class following the video Due on Friday at the end of class following the video